Gubkinsky Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreToday important day for me: filed documents on competition on selection of candidates to a position of the mayor GubkinskyToday important day for me: filed documents on competition on selection of candidates to a position of the mayor Gubkinsky10/18/2021Andrey Mikhaylovich GaraninMade with deputies the important decision - to appropriate a rank "The honourable citizen of Gubkinsky" to Elena Viktorovna Malyugina posthumously. We will always remember and be proud of such remarkable person what was our Elena Viktorovna5/7/2023Andrey Mikhaylovich GaraninToday important day for me: filed documents on competition on selection of candidates to a position of the mayor GubkinskyToday important day for me: filed documents on competition on selection of candidates to a position of the mayor Gubkinsky10/18/2021Andrey Mikhaylovich GaraninMade with deputies the important decision - to appropriate a rank "The honourable citizen of Gubkinsky" to Elena Viktorovna Malyugina posthumously. We will always remember and be proud of such remarkable person what was our Elena Viktorovna5/7/2023Andrey Mikhaylovich GaraninToday important day for me: filed documents on competition on selection of candidates to a position of the mayor GubkinskyToday important day for me: filed documents on competition on selection of candidates to a position of the mayor Gubkinsky10/18/2021Andrey Mikhaylovich Garanin1282Region News+16 last week since 2023Andrey Mikhaylovich Garanin0Media Score since 2023Andrey Mikhaylovich Garanin38years oldDate of establishmentApril 22, 19865:24:12 PMGMT+589RUS+7 34936Dialing code126Connections+28 last weekPopulation29 161NewsConnections Tree
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