Raduzhny Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District - Yugra, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIt is one of the main streets, it bends around the city Iridescent. Today it does not meet standards therefore we are glad that it was succeeded to begin implementation of this projectIt is one of the main streets, it bends around the city Iridescent. Today it does not meet standards therefore we are glad that it was succeeded to begin implementation of this project9/26/2017Sergei Nikolaevich BaskakovIt is one of the main streets, it bends around the city Iridescent. It does not meet standards therefore we are glad that it was succeeded to begin implementation of this project9/27/2017Sergei Nikolaevich BaskakovIt is one of the main streets, it bends around the city Iridescent. Today it does not meet standards therefore we are glad that it was succeeded to begin implementation of this projectIt is one of the main streets, it bends around the city Iridescent. Today it does not meet standards therefore we are glad that it was succeeded to begin implementation of this project9/26/2017Sergei Nikolaevich BaskakovIt is one of the main streets, it bends around the city Iridescent. It does not meet standards therefore we are glad that it was succeeded to begin implementation of this project9/27/2017Sergei Nikolaevich BaskakovIt is one of the main streets, it bends around the city Iridescent. Today it does not meet standards therefore we are glad that it was succeeded to begin implementation of this projectIt is one of the main streets, it bends around the city Iridescent. Today it does not meet standards therefore we are glad that it was succeeded to begin implementation of this project9/26/2017Sergei Nikolaevich Baskakov126Region News+1 last weekMayor since 2018Natalia GulinaMedia Score: LowMayor since 2018Natalia Gulina40years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19852:07:15 PMGMT+586RUS734668Dialing code36Connections+9 last weekPopulation43 726NewsConnections Tree
Ural Federal DistrictВ преддверии Нового года в УМВД России по ХМАО – Югре традиционно проходят праздничные мероприятия для детей сотрудников и работников полиции12/27/2024CompaniesPeopleMediaGeography3 minUral Federal DistrictИзбирательная система Югры присоединилась к Всероссийской акции «Ёлка желаний»12/24/2024PeopleProductsMediaGeography34 secSocial policyПроекты Югры прошли во второй этап Всероссийского конкурса проектов инициативного бюджетирования На сайте опубликовали перечень проектов, набравших на...12/23/2024GeographyCompanies53 secAccidentsБастрыкин поручил возбудить дело по информации об истязании детей в АдыгееRT in Russian12/22/2024CompaniesMediaPeopleProductsGeography24 secAccidentsБастрыкин поручил проверить жалобу на воспитателя детсада в ХМАОRT in Russian12/18/2024GeographyCompaniesPeopleMedia28 secEducationОпределены имена победителей второго тура регионального этапа Всероссийской олимпиады «Софиум» 2024/202512/15/2024GeographyCompaniesPeople41 sec
OtherИзбирательная комиссия Югры подвела итоги окружного творческого конкурса о выборах12/3/2024GeographyCompaniesPeople3.1 minUral Federal DistrictРосгвардейцы провели патриотические мероприятия для юных жителей Урала12/2/2024CompaniesPeopleGeography1.8 minLawНотариусы Югры проконсультировали более 700 человек в рамках Дня правовой помощи детям12/2/2024LawsPeopleCompaniesGeography2.4 minUral Federal District100 скамеек и урн для мусора изготовят в тагильской колонии ИК-5 для города в ХМАО-ЮгреRUSSIAN FEDERAL PENITENTIARY SERVICE ACROSS SVERDLOVSK REGION11/27/2024Geography34 secUral Federal DistrictВ ХМАО назван ТОП-5 муниципалитетов с самой высокой безработицей. СкринRussian information agency "Ura.Ru"11/26/2024MediaCompaniesGeographyPeople42 secVolga Federal DistrictИ стал сибирский кедр башкирскимRepublic of Bashkortostan newspaper11/21/2024CompaniesGeographyPeople4 min
Trending TechnologiesMost discussed today52Windows VistaRating: 21Mention frequency21ConnectionsTechnologies18Places4Organizations3Events3People2
Ural Federal DistrictКовид выкашивает школы: в ХМАО ссылают детей на дистантonline edition "Svobodnaya pressa"11/21/2024GeographyMediaCompanies28 secHousing and Utility SectorБерегите свое здоровье - пользуйтесь дистанционными сервисами «НЭСКО»11/21/2024CompaniesGeography1.5 minLawНотариусы Югры бесплатно проконсультируют граждан в рамках Дня правовой помощи детям11/19/2024LawsMediaPeopleCompaniesProductsGeography2 minEducationПобедители первого тура регионального этапа Всероссийской олимпиады «Софиум» 2024/202511/19/2024GeographyCompaniesPeople1.3 minPoliticsДень молодого избирателя в Югре11/18/2024CompaniesGeographyPeople1.9 minTennisВ Сургутском районе пройдет фестиваль по кикбоксингу11/14/2024CompaniesPeopleGeography1 min