Sretensk Zabaykalsky Territory, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe have three winners of the All-Russian competition of the small cities is Krasnokamensk, Borzya and Sretensk. Three big projects with total amount of financing of 200 million rubles and plus sofin the regional - 132 million rub] will be realized therWe have three winners of the All-Russian competition of the small cities is Krasnokamensk, Borzya and Sretensk. Three big projects with total amount of financing of 200 million rubles and plus sofin the regional - 132 million rub] will be realized ther2/25/2021Ilya ZolotukhinThe City of Masters project in Shilka is realized, the large-scale projects "Energy of the Sun" in Borz, "Meeting place" in Sretensk, "Uranium park" in Krasnokamensk come to the end. In total it is executed works on 319,5 million rubles1/19/2022Ilya ZolotukhinWe have three winners of the All-Russian competition of the small cities is Krasnokamensk, Borzya and Sretensk. Three big projects with total amount of financing of 200 million rubles and plus sofin the regional - 132 million rub] will be realized therWe have three winners of the All-Russian competition of the small cities is Krasnokamensk, Borzya and Sretensk. Three big projects with total amount of financing of 200 million rubles and plus sofin the regional - 132 million rub] will be realized ther2/25/2021Ilya ZolotukhinThe City of Masters project in Shilka is realized, the large-scale projects "Energy of the Sun" in Borz, "Meeting place" in Sretensk, "Uranium park" in Krasnokamensk come to the end. In total it is executed works on 319,5 million rubles1/19/2022Ilya ZolotukhinWe have three winners of the All-Russian competition of the small cities is Krasnokamensk, Borzya and Sretensk. Three big projects with total amount of financing of 200 million rubles and plus sofin the regional - 132 million rub] will be realized therWe have three winners of the All-Russian competition of the small cities is Krasnokamensk, Borzya and Sretensk. Three big projects with total amount of financing of 200 million rubles and plus sofin the regional - 132 million rub] will be realized ther2/25/2021Ilya Zolotukhin1218Region News+3 last weekSergei Aleksandrovich Tonkikh0Media ScoreSergei Aleksandrovich Tonkikh336years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 16891:35:17 AMGMT+975RUS+730246Dialing code114Connections+4 last weekPopulation6 643NewsConnections Tree
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