Snezhinsk Chelyabinsk region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowGraduates of this year from Miass, Kyshtym, Snezhinsk and Ozyorsk got the highest score, also in area there is one result in 100 points of the participant of the early periodGraduates of this year from Miass, Kyshtym, Snezhinsk and Ozyorsk got the highest score, also in area there is one result in 100 points of the participant of the early period6/27/2023Елена Александровна КоузоваThat Snezhinsk – the closed city, you knew when assumed this contract. You have to understand responsibility on terms. It is a question of school, of children … Children have to go to school in the third quarter. Only try not to make it11/16/2023Aleksey Leonidovich TekslerGraduates of this year from Miass, Kyshtym, Snezhinsk and Ozyorsk got the highest score, also in area there is one result in 100 points of the participant of the early periodGraduates of this year from Miass, Kyshtym, Snezhinsk and Ozyorsk got the highest score, also in area there is one result in 100 points of the participant of the early period6/27/2023Елена Александровна КоузоваThat Snezhinsk – the closed city, you knew when assumed this contract. You have to understand responsibility on terms. It is a question of school, of children … Children have to go to school in the third quarter. Only try not to make it11/16/2023Aleksey Leonidovich TekslerGraduates of this year from Miass, Kyshtym, Snezhinsk and Ozyorsk got the highest score, also in area there is one result in 100 points of the participant of the early periodGraduates of this year from Miass, Kyshtym, Snezhinsk and Ozyorsk got the highest score, also in area there is one result in 100 points of the participant of the early period6/27/2023Елена Александровна Коузова12161Region News+60 last weekHead since 2015Igor Ilyich SaprykinMedia Score: LowHead since 2015Igor Ilyich Saprykin69years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19554:54:39 PMGMT+574RUS+735146Dialing code375Connections+180 last weekPopulation51 488NewsConnections Tree
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