Uvarovo Tambov region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe realize the project unprecedented at the cost and scale of works. Such the city of Uvarovo yet did not see. The project was widely discussed with inhabitants, in its concept all wishes of citizens] are considereWe realize the project unprecedented at the cost and scale of works. Such the city of Uvarovo yet did not see. The project was widely discussed with inhabitants, in its concept all wishes of citizens] are considere5/13/2022Wladyslaw DenisovAsphalt paths, arrange beds, playgrounds. Inhabitants take part. Unfortunately, it works for us only in Uvarovo. Perhaps, to organize work and there? I will personally help you if there is a joint financing4/19/2023Maxime Borisovich YegorovWe realize the project unprecedented at the cost and scale of works. Such the city of Uvarovo yet did not see. The project was widely discussed with inhabitants, in its concept all wishes of citizens] are considereWe realize the project unprecedented at the cost and scale of works. Such the city of Uvarovo yet did not see. The project was widely discussed with inhabitants, in its concept all wishes of citizens] are considere5/13/2022Wladyslaw DenisovAsphalt paths, arrange beds, playgrounds. Inhabitants take part. Unfortunately, it works for us only in Uvarovo. Perhaps, to organize work and there? I will personally help you if there is a joint financing4/19/2023Maxime Borisovich YegorovWe realize the project unprecedented at the cost and scale of works. Such the city of Uvarovo yet did not see. The project was widely discussed with inhabitants, in its concept all wishes of citizens] are considereWe realize the project unprecedented at the cost and scale of works. Such the city of Uvarovo yet did not see. The project was widely discussed with inhabitants, in its concept all wishes of citizens] are considere5/13/2022Wladyslaw Denisov1258Region News+15 last weekMayor since 2015Wladyslaw DenisovMedia Score: LowMayor since 2015Wladyslaw Denisov325years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 16994:09:17 AMGMT+368RUS+7 47558Dialing code114Connections+39 last weekPopulation23 987NewsConnections Tree
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Trending LawsMost discussed today7"Constitution of the Russian Federation"Rating: 26Mention frequency26ConnectionsOrganizations412Places337People141Events47Laws40Technologies21
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