Velizh Smolensk region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIt is glad, as inhabitants, and you as the head of municipality, are satisfied with result. This is dear to Velizha and to all area significant, the most extended, the main. Therefore it is pleasant to seeIt is glad, as inhabitants, and you as the head of municipality, are satisfied with result. This is dear to Velizha and to all area significant, the most extended, the main. Therefore it is pleasant to see9/12/2022Alexey OstrovskyContracts on three artificial road constructions on regional roads and on seven – in municipalities are at present signed: To Vyazma, the Repair, two – in Rudne and three – in Velizhe1/17/2023Dmitry SulimovIt is glad, as inhabitants, and you as the head of municipality, are satisfied with result. This is dear to Velizha and to all area significant, the most extended, the main. Therefore it is pleasant to seeIt is glad, as inhabitants, and you as the head of municipality, are satisfied with result. This is dear to Velizha and to all area significant, the most extended, the main. Therefore it is pleasant to see9/12/2022Alexey OstrovskyContracts on three artificial road constructions on regional roads and on seven – in municipalities are at present signed: To Vyazma, the Repair, two – in Rudne and three – in Velizhe1/17/2023Dmitry SulimovIt is glad, as inhabitants, and you as the head of municipality, are satisfied with result. This is dear to Velizha and to all area significant, the most extended, the main. Therefore it is pleasant to seeIt is glad, as inhabitants, and you as the head of municipality, are satisfied with result. This is dear to Velizha and to all area significant, the most extended, the main. Therefore it is pleasant to see9/12/2022Alexey Ostrovsky1231Region News+3 last weekHead of the municipality since 2015Victor SamuleevMedia Score: LowHead of the municipality since 2015Victor Samuleev21years oldDate of establishmentDecember 2, 20042:06:20 PMGMT+367RUS+748132Dialing code79Connections+22 last weekPopulation7 210NewsConnections Tree
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