Volsk Saratov region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAfter arrangement of the embankment it is necessary to resolve in a priority order an issue of transport service of passenger traffic between our cities: Saratov, Volsk, Balakovo, MarxAfter arrangement of the embankment it is necessary to resolve in a priority order an issue of transport service of passenger traffic between our cities: Saratov, Volsk, Balakovo, Marx8/20/2023Vyacheslav VolodinNow Volsk can lose the building where there was a club of a name of Victor Talalikhin. The object is offered for sale. I consider that it is the rash, wrong and premature decision of municipal authority10/3/2023Roman BusarginAfter arrangement of the embankment it is necessary to resolve in a priority order an issue of transport service of passenger traffic between our cities: Saratov, Volsk, Balakovo, MarxAfter arrangement of the embankment it is necessary to resolve in a priority order an issue of transport service of passenger traffic between our cities: Saratov, Volsk, Balakovo, Marx8/20/2023Vyacheslav VolodinNow Volsk can lose the building where there was a club of a name of Victor Talalikhin. The object is offered for sale. I consider that it is the rash, wrong and premature decision of municipal authority10/3/2023Roman BusarginAfter arrangement of the embankment it is necessary to resolve in a priority order an issue of transport service of passenger traffic between our cities: Saratov, Volsk, Balakovo, MarxAfter arrangement of the embankment it is necessary to resolve in a priority order an issue of transport service of passenger traffic between our cities: Saratov, Volsk, Balakovo, Marx8/20/2023Vyacheslav Volodin12298Region News+70 last week0Media Score334years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 169010:18:34 PMGMT+464RUS+784593Dialing code276Connections+112 last weekPopulation63 212NewsConnections Tree
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