Sasovo Ryazan region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWithin competition by winners in 2018 in the corresponding nominations there were a city of Kasimov and the city of Sasovo, in 2020 – the Korablinsky city settlement of the Korablinsky municipal region of the Ryazan regionWithin competition by winners in 2018 in the corresponding nominations there were a city of Kasimov and the city of Sasovo, in 2020 – the Korablinsky city settlement of the Korablinsky municipal region of the Ryazan region5/19/2021Eugenie BelenetskyGeorgy moved to Sasovo together with mother when was absolutely small. To the 6th class studied at school No. 106, then moved to the Kasimovsky area. Worked in Ryazan, from where left the volunteer. Served as the driver. Heroically was lost on October 31, 20228/21/2023Eugenia RubtsovaWithin competition by winners in 2018 in the corresponding nominations there were a city of Kasimov and the city of Sasovo, in 2020 – the Korablinsky city settlement of the Korablinsky municipal region of the Ryazan regionWithin competition by winners in 2018 in the corresponding nominations there were a city of Kasimov and the city of Sasovo, in 2020 – the Korablinsky city settlement of the Korablinsky municipal region of the Ryazan region5/19/2021Eugenie BelenetskyGeorgy moved to Sasovo together with mother when was absolutely small. To the 6th class studied at school No. 106, then moved to the Kasimovsky area. Worked in Ryazan, from where left the volunteer. Served as the driver. Heroically was lost on October 31, 20228/21/2023Eugenia RubtsovaWithin competition by winners in 2018 in the corresponding nominations there were a city of Kasimov and the city of Sasovo, in 2020 – the Korablinsky city settlement of the Korablinsky municipal region of the Ryazan regionWithin competition by winners in 2018 in the corresponding nominations there were a city of Kasimov and the city of Sasovo, in 2020 – the Korablinsky city settlement of the Korablinsky municipal region of the Ryazan region5/19/2021Eugenie Belenetsky1227Region News+6 last weekHead of administration since 2012Eugenia RubtsovaMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2012Eugenia Rubtsova98years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19266:06:34 PMGMT+362RUS+749133Dialing code83Connections+45 last weekPopulation24 523NewsConnections Tree
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