Porkhov Pskov region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowNow 13 crews work for us. These are 37 people. Crews to us arrived from the Island, Porkhov, Novorzhev, neighbors help. Thanks, well and plus our crewsNow 13 crews work for us. These are 37 people. Crews to us arrived from the Island, Porkhov, Novorzhev, neighbors help. Thanks, well and plus our crews11/29/2021Nina StepanovaWe signed the municipal contract with a shelter "Kind" in Porkhov. On it also we work. Inhabitants see where they have a problem with dogs, send photos to us, report the street. We make out the demand for a shelter which directs there the hunter3/17/2023Mikhail Nikolaevich ShaurkinNow 13 crews work for us. These are 37 people. Crews to us arrived from the Island, Porkhov, Novorzhev, neighbors help. Thanks, well and plus our crewsNow 13 crews work for us. These are 37 people. Crews to us arrived from the Island, Porkhov, Novorzhev, neighbors help. Thanks, well and plus our crews11/29/2021Nina StepanovaWe signed the municipal contract with a shelter "Kind" in Porkhov. On it also we work. Inhabitants see where they have a problem with dogs, send photos to us, report the street. We make out the demand for a shelter which directs there the hunter3/17/2023Mikhail Nikolaevich ShaurkinNow 13 crews work for us. These are 37 people. Crews to us arrived from the Island, Porkhov, Novorzhev, neighbors help. Thanks, well and plus our crewsNow 13 crews work for us. These are 37 people. Crews to us arrived from the Island, Porkhov, Novorzhev, neighbors help. Thanks, well and plus our crews11/29/2021Nina Stepanova1255Region News+23 last weekHead of administration since 2006Vasilii Ivanovich FedulovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2006Vasilii Ivanovich Fedulov786years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 12391:27:18 PMGMT+360RUS+781134Dialing code141Connections+46 last weekPopulation8 347NewsConnections Tree
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