Novosokolniki Pskov region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe scale of works, really, will be very serious. Besides 23 new FAPOV, we will carry out capital repairs in interdistrict and regional hospitals – in Bezhanitsakh, Velikie Luki, Gdov, Dedovichakh, Nevele, Novosokolnikakh, Opochke, to Porkhova, Pushgorakh and SebezheThe scale of works, really, will be very serious. Besides 23 new FAPOV, we will carry out capital repairs in interdistrict and regional hospitals – in Bezhanitsakh, Velikie Luki, Gdov, Dedovichakh, Nevele, Novosokolnikakh, Opochke, to Porkhova, Pushgorakh and Sebezhe12/21/2020Mikhail VedernikovFor the Pskov area the railroads – important part of history and modern economy. A number of our settlements grew and developed thanks to railway knots and stations: Novosokolniki, Planes Red, Bezhanitsa, Bottom8/6/2023Mikhail VedernikovThe scale of works, really, will be very serious. Besides 23 new FAPOV, we will carry out capital repairs in interdistrict and regional hospitals – in Bezhanitsakh, Velikie Luki, Gdov, Dedovichakh, Nevele, Novosokolnikakh, Opochke, to Porkhova, Pushgorakh and SebezheThe scale of works, really, will be very serious. Besides 23 new FAPOV, we will carry out capital repairs in interdistrict and regional hospitals – in Bezhanitsakh, Velikie Luki, Gdov, Dedovichakh, Nevele, Novosokolnikakh, Opochke, to Porkhova, Pushgorakh and Sebezhe12/21/2020Mikhail VedernikovFor the Pskov area the railroads – important part of history and modern economy. A number of our settlements grew and developed thanks to railway knots and stations: Novosokolniki, Planes Red, Bezhanitsa, Bottom8/6/2023Mikhail VedernikovThe scale of works, really, will be very serious. Besides 23 new FAPOV, we will carry out capital repairs in interdistrict and regional hospitals – in Bezhanitsakh, Velikie Luki, Gdov, Dedovichakh, Nevele, Novosokolnikakh, Opochke, to Porkhova, Pushgorakh and SebezheThe scale of works, really, will be very serious. Besides 23 new FAPOV, we will carry out capital repairs in interdistrict and regional hospitals – in Bezhanitsakh, Velikie Luki, Gdov, Dedovichakh, Nevele, Novosokolnikakh, Opochke, to Porkhova, Pushgorakh and Sebezhe12/21/2020Mikhail Vedernikov1245Region News+9 last weekHead of administration since 2006Nicholas NaumovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2006Nicholas Naumov100years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19256:46:56 PMGMT+360RUS+781144Dialing code117Connections+24 last weekPopulation7 003NewsConnections Tree
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