Nevel Pskov region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreLast week the paramedic from Nevel on 26 weeks of pregnancy passed all circles of a hell - four medical institutions futbolili the person. It speaks about system crisis of health care of the Pskov areaLast week the paramedic from Nevel on 26 weeks of pregnancy passed all circles of a hell - four medical institutions futbolili the person. It speaks about system crisis of health care of the Pskov area5/29/2020Mikhail VedernikovAbout multiple new breaks and the tumbled-down trees report also from Usvyat, Pustoshki, Bezhanits, Nevelya, Dedovichey. All responsible services are transferred to fight against bad weather6/25/2021Mikhail VedernikovLast week the paramedic from Nevel on 26 weeks of pregnancy passed all circles of a hell - four medical institutions futbolili the person. It speaks about system crisis of health care of the Pskov areaLast week the paramedic from Nevel on 26 weeks of pregnancy passed all circles of a hell - four medical institutions futbolili the person. It speaks about system crisis of health care of the Pskov area5/29/2020Mikhail VedernikovAbout multiple new breaks and the tumbled-down trees report also from Usvyat, Pustoshki, Bezhanits, Nevelya, Dedovichey. All responsible services are transferred to fight against bad weather6/25/2021Mikhail VedernikovLast week the paramedic from Nevel on 26 weeks of pregnancy passed all circles of a hell - four medical institutions futbolili the person. It speaks about system crisis of health care of the Pskov areaLast week the paramedic from Nevel on 26 weeks of pregnancy passed all circles of a hell - four medical institutions futbolili the person. It speaks about system crisis of health care of the Pskov area5/29/2020Mikhail Vedernikov12103Region News+16 last weekHead of administration since 2015Valery Ivanovich Shalygin0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2015Valery Ivanovich Shalygin252years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 17739:28:45 AMGMT+360RUS+781151Dialing code173Connections+50 last weekPopulation14 481NewsConnections Tree
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