Okhansk Perm Territory, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn the city is Shpagin's plant, Soldatov's recreation center. One day of the Diaghilev's festival will pass outside Perm – in Okhansk. Literally in a month in Perm there will pass the All-Russian student's spring. In 2021 in the regional capital will pass Delphic gamesIn the city is Shpagin's plant, Soldatov's recreation center. One day of the Diaghilev's festival will pass outside Perm – in Okhansk. Literally in a month in Perm there will pass the All-Russian student's spring. In 2021 in the regional capital will pass Delphic games4/19/2019Maxime ReshetnikovIn Okhansk we opened just recently new office of hospital on 22 beds. Now it will be necessary to be engaged still in improvement, but as a whole our 2 areas received and receive new medical institutions in which it will be comfortably treated8/3/2020Dimitri Nikolaevich MakhoninIn the city is Shpagin's plant, Soldatov's recreation center. One day of the Diaghilev's festival will pass outside Perm – in Okhansk. Literally in a month in Perm there will pass the All-Russian student's spring. In 2021 in the regional capital will pass Delphic gamesIn the city is Shpagin's plant, Soldatov's recreation center. One day of the Diaghilev's festival will pass outside Perm – in Okhansk. Literally in a month in Perm there will pass the All-Russian student's spring. In 2021 in the regional capital will pass Delphic games4/19/2019Maxime ReshetnikovIn Okhansk we opened just recently new office of hospital on 22 beds. Now it will be necessary to be engaged still in improvement, but as a whole our 2 areas received and receive new medical institutions in which it will be comfortably treated8/3/2020Dimitri Nikolaevich MakhoninIn the city is Shpagin's plant, Soldatov's recreation center. One day of the Diaghilev's festival will pass outside Perm – in Okhansk. Literally in a month in Perm there will pass the All-Russian student's spring. In 2021 in the regional capital will pass Delphic gamesIn the city is Shpagin's plant, Soldatov's recreation center. One day of the Diaghilev's festival will pass outside Perm – in Okhansk. Literally in a month in Perm there will pass the All-Russian student's spring. In 2021 in the regional capital will pass Delphic games4/19/2019Maxime Reshetnikov1211Region News+3 last weekHead of administration since 2018Dmitry Baydin0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2018Dmitry Baydin101years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19234:01:18 PMGMT+559RUS+734279Dialing code42Connections+7 last weekPopulation7 072NewsConnections Tree
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