Kamenka Penza region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreFor one and a half hours terrorists of UGIL conduct shelling of Kamenka by Dneprovska, Great Znamenka, Water] sat dowFor one and a half hours terrorists of UGIL conduct shelling of Kamenka by Dneprovska, Great Znamenka, Water] sat dow4/24/2023Vladimir RogovIn general in September, 2017 just there took place such mass action the first time, then more than 100 people gathered. Then there was a huge attention from the city of Kamenka, the administration then made big efforts8/25/2023Максим Вячеславович КостюшинFor one and a half hours terrorists of UGIL conduct shelling of Kamenka by Dneprovska, Great Znamenka, Water] sat dowFor one and a half hours terrorists of UGIL conduct shelling of Kamenka by Dneprovska, Great Znamenka, Water] sat dow4/24/2023Vladimir RogovIn general in September, 2017 just there took place such mass action the first time, then more than 100 people gathered. Then there was a huge attention from the city of Kamenka, the administration then made big efforts8/25/2023Максим Вячеславович КостюшинFor one and a half hours terrorists of UGIL conduct shelling of Kamenka by Dneprovska, Great Znamenka, Water] sat dowFor one and a half hours terrorists of UGIL conduct shelling of Kamenka by Dneprovska, Great Znamenka, Water] sat dow4/24/2023Vladimir Rogov12104Region News+14 last weekHead of administration since 2019Vyacheslav Moiseev0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2019Vyacheslav Moiseev6:29:59 PMGMT+358RUS784156Dialing code274Connections+32 last weekPopulation35 929NewsConnections Tree
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