Cherepanovo Novosibirsk region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIt is remarkable that in settlements there are new vacation spots of children, walks of youth and adult inhabitants. In new park in Cherepanovo there is free a workout platform. There locals will be able to play sportsIt is remarkable that in settlements there are new vacation spots of children, walks of youth and adult inhabitants. In new park in Cherepanovo there is free a workout platform. There locals will be able to play sports10/2/2019Mayis MamedovIn Shipunovo has to pass gas, and I hope that on FAPA site too there will be a layer. The first branch — is Cherepanovo — Suzun, but there will be also the second branch which will pass through the Iskitimsky area — Sharchino, Preobrazhenka, in this party2/17/2022Andrey Ivanovich ShimkivIt is remarkable that in settlements there are new vacation spots of children, walks of youth and adult inhabitants. In new park in Cherepanovo there is free a workout platform. There locals will be able to play sportsIt is remarkable that in settlements there are new vacation spots of children, walks of youth and adult inhabitants. In new park in Cherepanovo there is free a workout platform. There locals will be able to play sports10/2/2019Mayis MamedovIn Shipunovo has to pass gas, and I hope that on FAPA site too there will be a layer. The first branch — is Cherepanovo — Suzun, but there will be also the second branch which will pass through the Iskitimsky area — Sharchino, Preobrazhenka, in this party2/17/2022Andrey Ivanovich ShimkivIt is remarkable that in settlements there are new vacation spots of children, walks of youth and adult inhabitants. In new park in Cherepanovo there is free a workout platform. There locals will be able to play sportsIt is remarkable that in settlements there are new vacation spots of children, walks of youth and adult inhabitants. In new park in Cherepanovo there is free a workout platform. There locals will be able to play sports10/2/2019Mayis Mamedov1249Region News+12 last weekMayor since 2016Nicholas RundaevMedia Score: LowMayor since 2016Nicholas Rundaev2:45:12 PMGMT+654RUS738345Dialing code160Connections+13 last weekPopulation19 612NewsConnections Tree
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