Pavlovo Nizhny Novgorod region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe imperial family visited Balakhna and Pavlovo, but is sure that the route can be enriched with Gorodts or Yurin, and also Mari ElThe imperial family visited Balakhna and Pavlovo, but is sure that the route can be enriched with Gorodts or Yurin, and also Mari El10/12/2022Gleb NikitinWhile we made the decision on expansion of routes of a ferry. The pontoon bridge will continue to work. Anyway — tumbotino we will provide transport availability of a route of Pavlovo12/7/2023Gleb NikitinThe imperial family visited Balakhna and Pavlovo, but is sure that the route can be enriched with Gorodts or Yurin, and also Mari ElThe imperial family visited Balakhna and Pavlovo, but is sure that the route can be enriched with Gorodts or Yurin, and also Mari El10/12/2022Gleb NikitinWhile we made the decision on expansion of routes of a ferry. The pontoon bridge will continue to work. Anyway — tumbotino we will provide transport availability of a route of Pavlovo12/7/2023Gleb NikitinThe imperial family visited Balakhna and Pavlovo, but is sure that the route can be enriched with Gorodts or Yurin, and also Mari ElThe imperial family visited Balakhna and Pavlovo, but is sure that the route can be enriched with Gorodts or Yurin, and also Mari El10/12/2022Gleb Nikitin12115Region News+20 last weekHead of administration since 2019Sergei Tarasov0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2019Sergei Tarasov106years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19191:38:24 PMGMT+352RUS+783171Dialing code300Connections+70 last weekPopulation58 163NewsConnections Tree
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