Ostrovnoy Murmansk region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe first flight of the motor ship after repair is planned from the city Island during the period from February 24 to February 28. Landing of passengers in Arkhangelsk will not beThe first flight of the motor ship after repair is planned from the city Island during the period from February 24 to February 28. Landing of passengers in Arkhangelsk will not be2/14/2021Olga OginovaI will note that in a number of municipalities, the cases connected with drug addiction it is not recorded not. It is the Tersky area, BUT Zaozersk, BUT Vidyayevo and BUT Island6/20/2023Andrey ChibisThe first flight of the motor ship after repair is planned from the city Island during the period from February 24 to February 28. Landing of passengers in Arkhangelsk will not beThe first flight of the motor ship after repair is planned from the city Island during the period from February 24 to February 28. Landing of passengers in Arkhangelsk will not be2/14/2021Olga OginovaI will note that in a number of municipalities, the cases connected with drug addiction it is not recorded not. It is the Tersky area, BUT Zaozersk, BUT Vidyayevo and BUT Island6/20/2023Andrey ChibisThe first flight of the motor ship after repair is planned from the city Island during the period from February 24 to February 28. Landing of passengers in Arkhangelsk will not beThe first flight of the motor ship after repair is planned from the city Island during the period from February 24 to February 28. Landing of passengers in Arkhangelsk will not be2/14/2021Olga Oginova1217Region News+2 last weekHead of the municipality since 2020Olga OginovaMedia Score: LowHead of the municipality since 2020Olga Oginova44years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19812:53:52 PMGMT+351RUS781558Dialing code139Connections+11 last weekPopulation1 784NewsConnections Tree
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