Kandalaksha Murmansk region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreLuge competitions in Kandalaksha became long ago a good tradition. And to unite natural track luge as a sport, it will be obligatory to develop further more and more children from the different citiesLuge competitions in Kandalaksha became long ago a good tradition. And to unite natural track luge as a sport, it will be obligatory to develop further more and more children from the different cities3/20/2023Eugenie NikoraKandalaksha is really nice for the sports traditions. That in March we here gather, says that natural track luge developed, develops and will develop, and this sport unites more and more children3/24/2023Eugenie NikoraLuge competitions in Kandalaksha became long ago a good tradition. And to unite natural track luge as a sport, it will be obligatory to develop further more and more children from the different citiesLuge competitions in Kandalaksha became long ago a good tradition. And to unite natural track luge as a sport, it will be obligatory to develop further more and more children from the different cities3/20/2023Eugenie NikoraKandalaksha is really nice for the sports traditions. That in March we here gather, says that natural track luge developed, develops and will develop, and this sport unites more and more children3/24/2023Eugenie NikoraLuge competitions in Kandalaksha became long ago a good tradition. And to unite natural track luge as a sport, it will be obligatory to develop further more and more children from the different citiesLuge competitions in Kandalaksha became long ago a good tradition. And to unite natural track luge as a sport, it will be obligatory to develop further more and more children from the different cities3/20/2023Eugenie Nikora12390Region News+216 last weekHead of the municipality since 2020Mikhail Pavlov0Media ScoreHead of the municipality since 2020Mikhail Pavlov19years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 200510:23:46 AMGMT+351RUS+781533Dialing code292Connections+153 last weekPopulation32 573NewsConnections Tree
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