Khotkovo Moscow region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreSince the beginning of 2021 according to Gosadmtekhnadzor instructions in the Sergiyevo-Posadsky district 24 violations in the maintenance of land parts of heating mains to addresses are eliminated: Sergiev Posad on Masliyev St. and Ptitsegradskaya St., to Khotkovo on Hudozhestvenny DriveSince the beginning of 2021 according to Gosadmtekhnadzor instructions in the Sergiyevo-Posadsky district 24 violations in the maintenance of land parts of heating mains to addresses are eliminated: Sergiev Posad on Masliyev St. and Ptitsegradskaya St., to Khotkovo on Hudozhestvenny Drive10/21/2021Oleg BazhenovFor the first time action took place in the city of Khotkovo in Pokrovsky a female monastery in 2019. At monastery walls then gathered about one thousand parishioners. This year we celebrate a holiday in the city of Serpukhov, in the Vvedensky Episcopal female Monastery5/2/2023Julia SavikhinaSince the beginning of 2021 according to Gosadmtekhnadzor instructions in the Sergiyevo-Posadsky district 24 violations in the maintenance of land parts of heating mains to addresses are eliminated: Sergiev Posad on Masliyev St. and Ptitsegradskaya St., to Khotkovo on Hudozhestvenny DriveSince the beginning of 2021 according to Gosadmtekhnadzor instructions in the Sergiyevo-Posadsky district 24 violations in the maintenance of land parts of heating mains to addresses are eliminated: Sergiev Posad on Masliyev St. and Ptitsegradskaya St., to Khotkovo on Hudozhestvenny Drive10/21/2021Oleg BazhenovFor the first time action took place in the city of Khotkovo in Pokrovsky a female monastery in 2019. At monastery walls then gathered about one thousand parishioners. This year we celebrate a holiday in the city of Serpukhov, in the Vvedensky Episcopal female Monastery5/2/2023Julia SavikhinaSince the beginning of 2021 according to Gosadmtekhnadzor instructions in the Sergiyevo-Posadsky district 24 violations in the maintenance of land parts of heating mains to addresses are eliminated: Sergiev Posad on Masliyev St. and Ptitsegradskaya St., to Khotkovo on Hudozhestvenny DriveSince the beginning of 2021 according to Gosadmtekhnadzor instructions in the Sergiyevo-Posadsky district 24 violations in the maintenance of land parts of heating mains to addresses are eliminated: Sergiev Posad on Masliyev St. and Ptitsegradskaya St., to Khotkovo on Hudozhestvenny Drive10/21/2021Oleg Bazhenov1223Region News+6 last weekChairman of the board of deputies since 2015Margaret Tikhomirova0Media ScoreChairman of the board of deputies since 2015Margaret Tikhomirova76years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 194910:23:13 AMGMT+350RUS+7 49654Dialing code45Connections+35 last weekPopulation21 319NewsConnections Tree
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