Krasnozavodsk Moscow region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowOn the first of March in the city of Krasnozavodsk in the territory of chemical plant there was a cotton as a result of which fatal injuries were got by the 47-year-old woman. On this fact... carrying out pre-investigation proverk] is organizeOn the first of March in the city of Krasnozavodsk in the territory of chemical plant there was a cotton as a result of which fatal injuries were got by the 47-year-old woman. On this fact... carrying out pre-investigation proverk] is organize3/1/2021Olga VradyOn entrance to the private sector of Krasnozavodsk one part of the street is shined, and another - no. Took in hand. I think, soon we will try to put there columns of lighting that there light was10/31/2022Mikhail TokarevOn the first of March in the city of Krasnozavodsk in the territory of chemical plant there was a cotton as a result of which fatal injuries were got by the 47-year-old woman. On this fact... carrying out pre-investigation proverk] is organizeOn the first of March in the city of Krasnozavodsk in the territory of chemical plant there was a cotton as a result of which fatal injuries were got by the 47-year-old woman. On this fact... carrying out pre-investigation proverk] is organize3/1/2021Olga VradyOn entrance to the private sector of Krasnozavodsk one part of the street is shined, and another - no. Took in hand. I think, soon we will try to put there columns of lighting that there light was10/31/2022Mikhail TokarevOn the first of March in the city of Krasnozavodsk in the territory of chemical plant there was a cotton as a result of which fatal injuries were got by the 47-year-old woman. On this fact... carrying out pre-investigation proverk] is organizeOn the first of March in the city of Krasnozavodsk in the territory of chemical plant there was a cotton as a result of which fatal injuries were got by the 47-year-old woman. On this fact... carrying out pre-investigation proverk] is organize3/1/2021Olga Vrady1247Region News+13 last weekMikhail TokarevMedia Score: LowMikhail Tokarev109years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19161:26:15 PMGMT+350RUS+7 49654Dialing code30Connections+14 last weekPopulation12 800NewsConnections Tree
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