Pushkino Moscow region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAccording to video placed on the Internet where the woman at a memorial "Grieving mother", the Pushkino located in the downtown, is engaged in cooking on the Eternal flame, an inspection] is carried ouAccording to video placed on the Internet where the woman at a memorial "Grieving mother", the Pushkino located in the downtown, is engaged in cooking on the Eternal flame, an inspection] is carried ou4/6/2021Tatyana PetrovaBut we responded to that information which appeared on social networks. For example, the message that on one of sites in the city of Pushkino there was a throw9/8/2023Marina YudenichPolice officers detained the woman who at a memorial "Grieving mother", the Pushkino located in the center, was engaged in cooking on the Eternal flame. The resident of Krasnoarmeysk of 1956 year of birth] appeared iPolice officers detained the woman who at a memorial "Grieving mother", the Pushkino located in the center, was engaged in cooking on the Eternal flame. The resident of Krasnoarmeysk of 1956 year of birth] appeared i4/7/2021Tatyana PetrovaAccording to video placed on the Internet where the woman at a memorial "Grieving mother", the Pushkino located in the downtown, is engaged in cooking on the Eternal flame, an inspection] is carried ouAccording to video placed on the Internet where the woman at a memorial "Grieving mother", the Pushkino located in the downtown, is engaged in cooking on the Eternal flame, an inspection] is carried ou4/6/2021Tatyana PetrovaBut we responded to that information which appeared on social networks. For example, the message that on one of sites in the city of Pushkino there was a throw9/8/2023Marina YudenichPolice officers detained the woman who at a memorial "Grieving mother", the Pushkino located in the center, was engaged in cooking on the Eternal flame. The resident of Krasnoarmeysk of 1956 year of birth] appeared iPolice officers detained the woman who at a memorial "Grieving mother", the Pushkino located in the center, was engaged in cooking on the Eternal flame. The resident of Krasnoarmeysk of 1956 year of birth] appeared i4/7/2021Tatyana PetrovaAccording to video placed on the Internet where the woman at a memorial "Grieving mother", the Pushkino located in the downtown, is engaged in cooking on the Eternal flame, an inspection] is carried ouAccording to video placed on the Internet where the woman at a memorial "Grieving mother", the Pushkino located in the downtown, is engaged in cooking on the Eternal flame, an inspection] is carried ou4/6/2021Tatyana Petrova123114Region News+20 last weekHead since 2019Mikhail Fedorovich Pertsev0Media ScoreHead since 2019Mikhail Fedorovich Pertsev99years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19256:08:58 AMGMT+350RUS+749653Dialing code258Connections+40 last weekPopulation107 580NewsConnections Tree
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