Domodedovo Moscow region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWithin implementation of the joint pilot project of two companies it already the second enterprise of fast service. It opened in a trading floor of the Intersection supermarket in the Domodedovo city. The area of a hall makes 246 sq.m.Within implementation of the joint pilot project of two companies it already the second enterprise of fast service. It opened in a trading floor of the Intersection supermarket in the Domodedovo city. The area of a hall makes 246 sq.m.9/15/2020Andrey RazinThe girl courier, having secured the order, took away from the pensioner a package and carried it to the client to the Domodedovo city. On the way she suspected that the package with money for transfer to swindlers is lucky, and immediately reported in police11/23/2023Vladimir VaseninThe consequence addresses to all who could fall a victim of a similar crime or possesses any other significant data for a consequence, to give all information in a call center of department of police of the city of Domodedovo by phone 8-496-793-14-02The consequence addresses to all who could fall a victim of a similar crime or possesses any other significant data for a consequence, to give all information in a call center of department of police of the city of Domodedovo by phone 8-496-793-14-026/3/2021Olga VradyWithin implementation of the joint pilot project of two companies it already the second enterprise of fast service. It opened in a trading floor of the Intersection supermarket in the Domodedovo city. The area of a hall makes 246 sq.m.Within implementation of the joint pilot project of two companies it already the second enterprise of fast service. It opened in a trading floor of the Intersection supermarket in the Domodedovo city. The area of a hall makes 246 sq.m.9/15/2020Andrey RazinThe girl courier, having secured the order, took away from the pensioner a package and carried it to the client to the Domodedovo city. On the way she suspected that the package with money for transfer to swindlers is lucky, and immediately reported in police11/23/2023Vladimir VaseninThe consequence addresses to all who could fall a victim of a similar crime or possesses any other significant data for a consequence, to give all information in a call center of department of police of the city of Domodedovo by phone 8-496-793-14-02The consequence addresses to all who could fall a victim of a similar crime or possesses any other significant data for a consequence, to give all information in a call center of department of police of the city of Domodedovo by phone 8-496-793-14-026/3/2021Olga VradyWithin implementation of the joint pilot project of two companies it already the second enterprise of fast service. It opened in a trading floor of the Intersection supermarket in the Domodedovo city. The area of a hall makes 246 sq.m.Within implementation of the joint pilot project of two companies it already the second enterprise of fast service. It opened in a trading floor of the Intersection supermarket in the Domodedovo city. The area of a hall makes 246 sq.m.9/15/2020Andrey Razin12344Region News+8 last weekHead since 2017Alexander Dvoynykh0Media ScoreHead since 2017Alexander Dvoynykh20years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 12, 200512:50:32 PMGMT+350RUS749679Dialing code259Connections+20 last weekPopulation116 950NewsConnections Tree
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