Dzerzhinsky Moscow region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowLukhovitsy and the cities Dzerzhinsky] are in the lead on production of vegetables of the protected soil of the enterprise from city districts KashiraLukhovitsy and the cities Dzerzhinsky] are in the lead on production of vegetables of the protected soil of the enterprise from city districts Kashira7/25/2019Andrey RazinAccording to preliminary information, in medical institution the call that on a carriageway arrived Forest. Dzerzhinsky there is a man with injuries9/25/2023Tatyana PetrovaLukhovitsy and the cities Dzerzhinsky] are in the lead on production of vegetables of the protected soil of the enterprise from city districts KashiraLukhovitsy and the cities Dzerzhinsky] are in the lead on production of vegetables of the protected soil of the enterprise from city districts Kashira7/25/2019Andrey RazinAccording to preliminary information, in medical institution the call that on a carriageway arrived Forest. Dzerzhinsky there is a man with injuries9/25/2023Tatyana PetrovaLukhovitsy and the cities Dzerzhinsky] are in the lead on production of vegetables of the protected soil of the enterprise from city districts KashiraLukhovitsy and the cities Dzerzhinsky] are in the lead on production of vegetables of the protected soil of the enterprise from city districts Kashira7/25/2019Andrey Razin1232Region News+10 last weekHead since 2019Ludmila IvanovaMedia Score: LowHead since 2019Ludmila Ivanova7:36:21 AMGMT+350RUS+7495Dialing code38Connections+13 last weekPopulation56 376NewsConnections Tree
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