Susuman Magadan region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWhen from Susuman or from Berry the inhabitant of the settlement and confusedly calls, on emotions tries to explain the trouble, for 500-600 kilometers difficult quickly to help itWhen from Susuman or from Berry the inhabitant of the settlement and confusedly calls, on emotions tries to explain the trouble, for 500-600 kilometers difficult quickly to help it11/16/2023Denise PavelWhen from Susuman or from Berry the inhabitant of the settlement and confusedly calls, on emotions tries to explain the trouble, for 500-600 kilometers difficult quickly to help it11/17/2023Denise PavelWhen from Susuman or from Berry the inhabitant of the settlement and confusedly calls, on emotions tries to explain the trouble, for 500-600 kilometers difficult quickly to help itWhen from Susuman or from Berry the inhabitant of the settlement and confusedly calls, on emotions tries to explain the trouble, for 500-600 kilometers difficult quickly to help it11/16/2023Denise PavelWhen from Susuman or from Berry the inhabitant of the settlement and confusedly calls, on emotions tries to explain the trouble, for 500-600 kilometers difficult quickly to help it11/17/2023Denise PavelWhen from Susuman or from Berry the inhabitant of the settlement and confusedly calls, on emotions tries to explain the trouble, for 500-600 kilometers difficult quickly to help itWhen from Susuman or from Berry the inhabitant of the settlement and confusedly calls, on emotions tries to explain the trouble, for 500-600 kilometers difficult quickly to help it11/16/2023Denise Pavel1219Region News+3 last weekHead since 2016Alexander Lobov0Media ScoreHead since 2016Alexander Lobov88years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19364:15:26 AMGMT+1149RUS+7 41345Dialing code33Connections+9 last weekPopulation5 010NewsConnections Tree
AccidentsКолымчане доверились неизвестным и лишились двух миллионов рублей, пытаясь защитить свои финансы от мошенников7 hours agoCompaniesGeography46 secBooksКороткая афиша Пушкинской карты на неделю с 25 ноября по 1 декабря11/25/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts2.2 minSocial policyВетеран Великой Отечественной из села Небуга Туапсинского района отметила 95-летний юбилейMunicipality Administration "The Tuapse area"11/22/2024PeopleGeographyMedia49 secAccidentsВ Магаданской области мошенники оформили на имя пенсионера кредит на сумму свыше двух миллионов рублейKOLYMA-INFORM11/20/2024CompaniesGeographyMedia39 secSocial policyСергей Носов прокомментировал журналистам итоги визита в Сусуманский округGovernment of the Magadan region11/15/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.1 minSocial policyГлава региона Сергей Носов после Ягодного побывал с визитом в СусуманеGovernment of the Magadan region11/15/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography56 sec
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Trending OrganizationsMost discussed today1"United Russia"Rating: 10048Mention frequency10048ConnectionsPeople1630Organizations1509Places1375Events252Technologies89Laws27
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