Primorsk Leningrad region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe surveyed some routes before made the decision on Primorsk and Novorossiysk. For example, there were options of construction of oil pipelines on Murmansk to Gulf of ObWe surveyed some routes before made the decision on Primorsk and Novorossiysk. For example, there were options of construction of oil pipelines on Murmansk to Gulf of Ob8/14/2023Nikolay TokarevOn the basis of demands of the oil companies confirmed in the ministry, and declarations on them customs service from last Saturday shipments of oil products in Primorsk and Novorossiysk] bega10/9/2023Igor DeminWe surveyed some routes before made the decision on Primorsk and Novorossiysk. For example, there were options of construction of oil pipelines on Murmansk to Gulf of ObWe surveyed some routes before made the decision on Primorsk and Novorossiysk. For example, there were options of construction of oil pipelines on Murmansk to Gulf of Ob8/14/2023Nikolay TokarevOn the basis of demands of the oil companies confirmed in the ministry, and declarations on them customs service from last Saturday shipments of oil products in Primorsk and Novorossiysk] bega10/9/2023Igor DeminWe surveyed some routes before made the decision on Primorsk and Novorossiysk. For example, there were options of construction of oil pipelines on Murmansk to Gulf of ObWe surveyed some routes before made the decision on Primorsk and Novorossiysk. For example, there were options of construction of oil pipelines on Murmansk to Gulf of Ob8/14/2023Nikolay Tokarev12110Region News+29 last weekHead of administration since 2019Eugenie ShestakovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2019Eugenie Shestakov757years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 12683:34:37 PMGMT+347RUS7 81378Dialing code321Connections+150 last weekPopulation5 566NewsConnections Tree
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