Boksitogorsk Leningrad region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreFor example, inhabitants are registered in Boksitogorsk, and work in the Tikhvin area, and in the same place live, but the registration remains BoksitogorskFor example, inhabitants are registered in Boksitogorsk, and work in the Tikhvin area, and in the same place live, but the registration remains Boksitogorsk9/10/2020Mikhail LebedinskySlates, Boksitogorsk were connected, there met ours with car from Pine Bohr. In total for the front, all for the Victory. … Thanks to all involved, sincere, not indifferent fellow countrymen12/4/2022Youri NamlievFor example, inhabitants are registered in Boksitogorsk, and work in the Tikhvin area, and in the same place live, but the registration remains BoksitogorskFor example, inhabitants are registered in Boksitogorsk, and work in the Tikhvin area, and in the same place live, but the registration remains Boksitogorsk9/10/2020Mikhail LebedinskySlates, Boksitogorsk were connected, there met ours with car from Pine Bohr. In total for the front, all for the Victory. … Thanks to all involved, sincere, not indifferent fellow countrymen12/4/2022Youri NamlievFor example, inhabitants are registered in Boksitogorsk, and work in the Tikhvin area, and in the same place live, but the registration remains BoksitogorskFor example, inhabitants are registered in Boksitogorsk, and work in the Tikhvin area, and in the same place live, but the registration remains Boksitogorsk9/10/2020Mikhail Lebedinsky1243Region News+18 last weekHead since 2019Irina Ivanovna Titova0Media ScoreHead since 2019Irina Ivanovna Titova96years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19298:05:04 AMGMT+347RUS+781366Dialing code144Connections+76 last weekPopulation15 091NewsConnections Tree
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