Sovetsk Kirov region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe created uniform public service of a hemodialysis on the basis of the Kirov regional clinical hospital with branches in Slobodskom, Omutninsk, Vyatka Glades, SovetskWe created uniform public service of a hemodialysis on the basis of the Kirov regional clinical hospital with branches in Slobodskom, Omutninsk, Vyatka Glades, Sovetsk7/16/2021Igor VasilyevThis year we open the fourth branch - in the city of Sovetsk, we very closely work with our colleagues from technical schools which are subordinated to the Ministry of Education7/28/2023Екатерина Эдуардовна ВидякинаWe created uniform public service of a hemodialysis on the basis of the Kirov regional clinical hospital with branches in Slobodskom, Omutninsk, Vyatka Glades, SovetskWe created uniform public service of a hemodialysis on the basis of the Kirov regional clinical hospital with branches in Slobodskom, Omutninsk, Vyatka Glades, Sovetsk7/16/2021Igor VasilyevThis year we open the fourth branch - in the city of Sovetsk, we very closely work with our colleagues from technical schools which are subordinated to the Ministry of Education7/28/2023Екатерина Эдуардовна ВидякинаWe created uniform public service of a hemodialysis on the basis of the Kirov regional clinical hospital with branches in Slobodskom, Omutninsk, Vyatka Glades, SovetskWe created uniform public service of a hemodialysis on the basis of the Kirov regional clinical hospital with branches in Slobodskom, Omutninsk, Vyatka Glades, Sovetsk7/16/2021Igor Vasilyev1242Region News+8 last weekHead of administration since 2020Vladimir Ivanovich Porubov0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2020Vladimir Ivanovich Porubov431years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 15949:41:43 PMGMT+343RUS+7 83375Dialing code84Connections+24 last weekPopulation15 538NewsConnections Tree
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