Polysayevo Kemerovo region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowPolice officers established location searched and detained it in Polysayevo's city district of the Kemerovo region. He lived all this time in different regions of the country and worked the general workerPolice officers established location searched and detained it in Polysayevo's city district of the Kemerovo region. He lived all this time in different regions of the country and worked the general worker1/27/2019Irina VolkIn some years these trees could please Polysayevo's inhabitants with the magnificent kroner, but on any unknown circumstances saplings were broken10/12/2022Valery Pavlovich ZykovPolice officers established location searched and detained it in Polysayevo's city district of the Kemerovo region. He lived all this time in different regions of the country and worked the general workerPolice officers established location searched and detained it in Polysayevo's city district of the Kemerovo region. He lived all this time in different regions of the country and worked the general worker1/27/2019Irina VolkIn some years these trees could please Polysayevo's inhabitants with the magnificent kroner, but on any unknown circumstances saplings were broken10/12/2022Valery Pavlovich ZykovPolice officers established location searched and detained it in Polysayevo's city district of the Kemerovo region. He lived all this time in different regions of the country and worked the general workerPolice officers established location searched and detained it in Polysayevo's city district of the Kemerovo region. He lived all this time in different regions of the country and worked the general worker1/27/2019Irina Volk128Region News+1 last weekHead since 1994Valery Pavlovich ZykovMedia Score: LowHead since 1994Valery Pavlovich Zykov35years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19897:01:20 AMGMT+742RUS+738456Dialing code28Connections+4 last weekPopulation26 012NewsConnections Tree
PoliticsВ Кузбассе три газеты объединят в одну: глава округа объяснил, почемуNewspaper of Kemerovo11/6/2024PeopleProductsGeography29 secTransportationСмерть в электричке и комбайн на путях РЖД под гимн машиниста. Октябрьский обзор аварий, преступлений, глупостей и прочих событий на железных дорогах...11/4/2024CompaniesGeographyProducts5.4 minLawВ Ленинске-Кузнецком будут судить жителя города Полысаево, скрывавшегося от административного надзора11/2/2024GeographyCompanies48 secPoliticsМэра кузбасского города избрали главой еще одного округа. В итоге он будет руководить тремяNGS Kemerovo10/24/2024PeopleProductsGeography48 secAccidentsВ Белове будут судить местного жителя, который оформил кредиты по чужому паспорту и похитил денежные средства10/23/2024GeographyCompanies55 secSiberian Federal DistrictВ Кузбассе состоялся Всероссийский юнармейский турнир по военно-прикладным видам спортаMinistry of Defence of the Russian Federation10/19/2024Geography42 sec
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