Zhizdra Kaluga region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThis morning on the highway M3 "Ukraine" on (Zhizdr's) 299th km and 2 UAVs fell to 283 km (Duminichi). The detonation did not occur, the territory is surrounded, on a place operating-technical events are held. Detour ways] are organizeThis morning on the highway M3 "Ukraine" on (Zhizdr's) 299th km and 2 UAVs fell to 283 km (Duminichi). The detonation did not occur, the territory is surrounded, on a place operating-technical events are held. Detour ways] are organize6/5/2023Wladyslaw ShapshaThis morning on the highway M-3 "Ukraine" on (Zhizdr's) 299th kilometer and on the 283rd kilometer (Duminichi) two UAVs fell. The detonation did not occur, the territory is surrounded6/9/2023Wladyslaw ShapshaThis morning on the highway M3 "Ukraine" on (Zhizdr's) 299th km and 2 UAVs fell to 283 km (Duminichi). The detonation did not occur, the territory is surrounded, on a place operating-technical events are held. Detour ways] are organizeThis morning on the highway M3 "Ukraine" on (Zhizdr's) 299th km and 2 UAVs fell to 283 km (Duminichi). The detonation did not occur, the territory is surrounded, on a place operating-technical events are held. Detour ways] are organize6/5/2023Wladyslaw ShapshaThis morning on the highway M-3 "Ukraine" on (Zhizdr's) 299th kilometer and on the 283rd kilometer (Duminichi) two UAVs fell. The detonation did not occur, the territory is surrounded6/9/2023Wladyslaw ShapshaThis morning on the highway M3 "Ukraine" on (Zhizdr's) 299th km and 2 UAVs fell to 283 km (Duminichi). The detonation did not occur, the territory is surrounded, on a place operating-technical events are held. Detour ways] are organizeThis morning on the highway M3 "Ukraine" on (Zhizdr's) 299th km and 2 UAVs fell to 283 km (Duminichi). The detonation did not occur, the territory is surrounded, on a place operating-technical events are held. Detour ways] are organize6/5/2023Wladyslaw Shapsha1241Region News+7 last weekHead of the city settlement since 2015Galina YashechkinaMedia Score: LowHead of the city settlement since 2015Galina Yashechkina248years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 177711:28:58 PMGMT+340RUS+7 48445Dialing code71Connections+14 last weekPopulation5 399NewsConnections Tree
EcologyВ Жиздре началось благоустройство набережнойMK.RU KalugaYesterday at 2:48 PMCompaniesGeography12 secOtherЖиздринский музей обновят по нацпроекту в 2025 годуNICKNAME of TV (Kaluga)3/6/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography18 secSocial policyВ Жиздре появится набережная со спортплощадкой и амфитеатромYesterday at 11:37 AMPeopleCompaniesGeography28 secCentral Federal DistrictВесна идёт: калужане замечают всё больше перелётных птицNICKNAME of TV (Kaluga)3/10/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts30 secSocial policyКалужские юидовцы празднуют день рожденияNICKNAME of TV (Kaluga)3/6/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography58 secCentral Federal DistrictДоноры Калуги и области сдали почти 2000 литров кровиPortal of the city of Kaluga and Kaluga region3/5/2025CompaniesGeography45 sec
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Housing and Utility SectorВ Жиздре благоустроят Больничный пруд, а в Сухиничах – Баевский оврагNICKNAME of TV (Kaluga)2/20/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography38 secEcologyГрядет сушь: появился первый прогноз половодья на Цимлянском водохранилище и Дону в 2025 годуBloknot-volgodonsk.ru2/20/2025CompaniesGeography1.4 minCentral Federal DistrictВ Росгидромете рассказали, стоит ли орловцам опасаться половодьяOryol news2/17/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography25 secEcologyАномальное половодье ожидается в Волгоградской областиNotebook of Volgograd2/17/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts1.2 minCentral Federal DistrictВ Калужской области более 23 тысяч раз нарушили ПДД за неделюMK.RU Kaluga2/17/2025CompaniesGeography19 secEducationОбучение по нацпроекту помогло трудоустроиться сотням калужанMK.RU Kaluga2/17/2025PeopleGeography21 sec