Pravdinsk Kaliningrad region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowBoth had a rest, and worked, went on objects, looked how that was made or it is not made last year that else it is necessary to make. Went to Chernyakhovsk, to Gusev reached, was in Railway, Pravdinsk, Polessk, Zelenogradsk, Svetlogorsk, there is a lot of whereBoth had a rest, and worked, went on objects, looked how that was made or it is not made last year that else it is necessary to make. Went to Chernyakhovsk, to Gusev reached, was in Railway, Pravdinsk, Polessk, Zelenogradsk, Svetlogorsk, there is a lot of where1/12/2021Anton AlikhanovSimilar, but without mini-stadium, we are going to construct in Znamensk. Besides, in 2022 construction of a sports and improving complex with the pool and the universal sports hall in Pravdinsk] has to begi1/14/2022Anton AlikhanovAn action joined: Svetlogorsk, Light, Guryevsk, Polessk, Sovetsk, Nesterovskoy district, Chernyakhovsk, Pravdinsk, Ladushkin and GusevAn action joined: Svetlogorsk, Light, Guryevsk, Polessk, Sovetsk, Nesterovskoy district, Chernyakhovsk, Pravdinsk, Ladushkin and Gusev4/11/2021Anton AlikhanovBoth had a rest, and worked, went on objects, looked how that was made or it is not made last year that else it is necessary to make. Went to Chernyakhovsk, to Gusev reached, was in Railway, Pravdinsk, Polessk, Zelenogradsk, Svetlogorsk, there is a lot of whereBoth had a rest, and worked, went on objects, looked how that was made or it is not made last year that else it is necessary to make. Went to Chernyakhovsk, to Gusev reached, was in Railway, Pravdinsk, Polessk, Zelenogradsk, Svetlogorsk, there is a lot of where1/12/2021Anton AlikhanovSimilar, but without mini-stadium, we are going to construct in Znamensk. Besides, in 2022 construction of a sports and improving complex with the pool and the universal sports hall in Pravdinsk] has to begi1/14/2022Anton AlikhanovAn action joined: Svetlogorsk, Light, Guryevsk, Polessk, Sovetsk, Nesterovskoy district, Chernyakhovsk, Pravdinsk, Ladushkin and GusevAn action joined: Svetlogorsk, Light, Guryevsk, Polessk, Sovetsk, Nesterovskoy district, Chernyakhovsk, Pravdinsk, Ladushkin and Gusev4/11/2021Anton AlikhanovBoth had a rest, and worked, went on objects, looked how that was made or it is not made last year that else it is necessary to make. Went to Chernyakhovsk, to Gusev reached, was in Railway, Pravdinsk, Polessk, Zelenogradsk, Svetlogorsk, there is a lot of whereBoth had a rest, and worked, went on objects, looked how that was made or it is not made last year that else it is necessary to make. Went to Chernyakhovsk, to Gusev reached, was in Railway, Pravdinsk, Polessk, Zelenogradsk, Svetlogorsk, there is a lot of where1/12/2021Anton Alikhanov12350Region News+15 last weekHead of administration since 2016Pavel BaranovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2016Pavel Baranov11:15:41 PMGMT+239RUS740157Dialing code97Connections+58 last weekPopulation4 212NewsConnections Tree
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