Krasnoznamensk Kaliningrad region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowFunds for deployment of several reference points in the east of area are necessary. In Krasnoznamensk booked hospital audit. To us it will be necessary to develop fully from next weekFunds for deployment of several reference points in the east of area are necessary. In Krasnoznamensk booked hospital audit. To us it will be necessary to develop fully from next week7/20/2021Alexander KravchenkoI think, taking into account the cost of gas to burn bricks in Poland strongly expensively, but we in Krasnoznamensk have an excellent plant "Fifth Element", we are ready them if it is necessary, to sell building materials, please. Even at a discount small12/15/2022Anton AlikhanovFunds for deployment of several reference points in the east of area are necessary. In Krasnoznamensk booked hospital audit. To us it will be necessary to develop fully from next weekFunds for deployment of several reference points in the east of area are necessary. In Krasnoznamensk booked hospital audit. To us it will be necessary to develop fully from next week7/20/2021Alexander KravchenkoI think, taking into account the cost of gas to burn bricks in Poland strongly expensively, but we in Krasnoznamensk have an excellent plant "Fifth Element", we are ready them if it is necessary, to sell building materials, please. Even at a discount small12/15/2022Anton AlikhanovFunds for deployment of several reference points in the east of area are necessary. In Krasnoznamensk booked hospital audit. To us it will be necessary to develop fully from next weekFunds for deployment of several reference points in the east of area are necessary. In Krasnoznamensk booked hospital audit. To us it will be necessary to develop fully from next week7/20/2021Alexander Kravchenko1220Region News+7 last weekHead since 2016Olga ShilovskayaMedia Score: LowHead since 2016Olga Shilovskaya449years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 157612:37:43 AMGMT+239RUS+740164Dialing code43Connections+20 last weekPopulation3 154NewsConnections Tree
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