Cheremkhovo Irkutsk region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn February of this year to Cheremkhovo keys from new apartments were received by 172 inhabitants, they moved to the eight-story house down the street Ordzhonikidze. Now construction here proceeds, so, cheremkhovets will receive new modern housingIn February of this year to Cheremkhovo keys from new apartments were received by 172 inhabitants, they moved to the eight-story house down the street Ordzhonikidze. Now construction here proceeds, so, cheremkhovets will receive new modern housing8/28/2023Igor Ivanovich KobzevThe president of the country Vladimir Putin emphasized that capital repairs at schools have to be carried out taking into account opinion of teachers, parents and pupils. Here and it turned out. Uniform team work, and thanks for it to inhabitants Cheremkhovo8/28/2023Alexander VedernikovIn February of this year to Cheremkhovo keys from new apartments were received by 172 inhabitants, they moved to the eight-story house down the street Ordzhonikidze. Now construction here proceeds, so, cheremkhovets will receive new modern housingIn February of this year to Cheremkhovo keys from new apartments were received by 172 inhabitants, they moved to the eight-story house down the street Ordzhonikidze. Now construction here proceeds, so, cheremkhovets will receive new modern housing8/28/2023Igor Ivanovich KobzevThe president of the country Vladimir Putin emphasized that capital repairs at schools have to be carried out taking into account opinion of teachers, parents and pupils. Here and it turned out. Uniform team work, and thanks for it to inhabitants Cheremkhovo8/28/2023Alexander VedernikovIn February of this year to Cheremkhovo keys from new apartments were received by 172 inhabitants, they moved to the eight-story house down the street Ordzhonikidze. Now construction here proceeds, so, cheremkhovets will receive new modern housingIn February of this year to Cheremkhovo keys from new apartments were received by 172 inhabitants, they moved to the eight-story house down the street Ordzhonikidze. Now construction here proceeds, so, cheremkhovets will receive new modern housing8/28/2023Igor Ivanovich Kobzev12192Region News+49 last weekMayor since 2006Vadim Aleksandrovich Semenov0Media ScoreMayor since 2006Vadim Aleksandrovich Semenov253years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 17722:29:48 PMGMT+838RUS+739546Dialing code280Connections+95 last weekPopulation51 230NewsConnections Tree
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