Kharovsk Vologda region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowOn these means repairs of two student's hostels in the Falcon and Harovsky branch of technical school, repairs of the educational and laboratory case in the Falcon and the educational case in Harovsk] are madOn these means repairs of two student's hostels in the Falcon and Harovsky branch of technical school, repairs of the educational and laboratory case in the Falcon and the educational case in Harovsk] are mad11/23/2022Larissa KamaninaThe system ISDM-Rosleskhoz in a week registered one thermopoint in the Harovsky district. By results of check the fire in forest fund was not confirmed. Now in forest fund of area of operating fires is not present5/10/2023Roman Borisovich MarkovOn these means repairs of two student's hostels in the Falcon and Harovsky branch of technical school, repairs of the educational and laboratory case in the Falcon and the educational case in Harovsk] are madOn these means repairs of two student's hostels in the Falcon and Harovsky branch of technical school, repairs of the educational and laboratory case in the Falcon and the educational case in Harovsk] are mad11/23/2022Larissa KamaninaThe system ISDM-Rosleskhoz in a week registered one thermopoint in the Harovsky district. By results of check the fire in forest fund was not confirmed. Now in forest fund of area of operating fires is not present5/10/2023Roman Borisovich MarkovOn these means repairs of two student's hostels in the Falcon and Harovsky branch of technical school, repairs of the educational and laboratory case in the Falcon and the educational case in Harovsk] are madOn these means repairs of two student's hostels in the Falcon and Harovsky branch of technical school, repairs of the educational and laboratory case in the Falcon and the educational case in Harovsk] are mad11/23/2022Larissa Kamanina1284Region News+9 last weekChairman of the board, Mayor since 2018Olga MirolyubovaMedia Score: LowChairman of the board, Mayor since 2018Olga Mirolyubova2:53:17 PMGMT+335RUS+7 81732Dialing code61Connections+23 last weekPopulation9 185NewsConnections Tree
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