Kamyzyak Astrakhan region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIt is sure, modern sport centers which we build in Kamyzyak, will enjoy popularity at locals. The city grows. Here live many families with children. There is a need for infrastructure development. Let's work over these questionsIt is sure, modern sport centers which we build in Kamyzyak, will enjoy popularity at locals. The city grows. Here live many families with children. There is a need for infrastructure development. Let's work over these questions8/6/2023Igor BabushkinIt is sure, modern sport centers which we build in Kamyzyak, will enjoy popularity at locals. The city grows. Here live many families with children. There is a need for infrastructure development. Let's work over these questions8/7/2023Igor BabushkinIt is sure, modern sport centers which we build in Kamyzyak, will enjoy popularity at locals. The city grows. Here live many families with children. There is a need for infrastructure development. Let's work over these questionsIt is sure, modern sport centers which we build in Kamyzyak, will enjoy popularity at locals. The city grows. Here live many families with children. There is a need for infrastructure development. Let's work over these questions8/6/2023Igor BabushkinIt is sure, modern sport centers which we build in Kamyzyak, will enjoy popularity at locals. The city grows. Here live many families with children. There is a need for infrastructure development. Let's work over these questions8/7/2023Igor BabushkinIt is sure, modern sport centers which we build in Kamyzyak, will enjoy popularity at locals. The city grows. Here live many families with children. There is a need for infrastructure development. Let's work over these questionsIt is sure, modern sport centers which we build in Kamyzyak, will enjoy popularity at locals. The city grows. Here live many families with children. There is a need for infrastructure development. Let's work over these questions8/6/2023Igor Babushkin1239Region News+10 last weekHead of the municipality, chairman of the board since 2020Helena KostrykinaMedia Score: LowHead of the municipality, chairman of the board since 2020Helena Kostrykina465years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 156012:24:28 AMGMT+430RUS+7 85145Dialing code59Connections+24 last weekPopulation15 984NewsConnections Tree
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