Novopavlovsk Stavropol Territory, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreNow apartment houses in Novopavlovsk and Georgievsk prepare for commissioning, collecting necessary documents is carried out. After work on resettlement of citizens to new apartments] will begiNow apartment houses in Novopavlovsk and Georgievsk prepare for commissioning, collecting necessary documents is carried out. After work on resettlement of citizens to new apartments] will begi7/11/2023Valery SavchenkoThe new investment project in Novopavlovsk will allow not only to give new workplaces, but also will promote that the city became the large tourist center8/8/2023Vladimir VladimirovNow apartment houses in Novopavlovsk and Georgievsk prepare for commissioning, collecting necessary documents is carried out. After work on resettlement of citizens to new apartments] will begiNow apartment houses in Novopavlovsk and Georgievsk prepare for commissioning, collecting necessary documents is carried out. After work on resettlement of citizens to new apartments] will begi7/11/2023Valery SavchenkoThe new investment project in Novopavlovsk will allow not only to give new workplaces, but also will promote that the city became the large tourist center8/8/2023Vladimir VladimirovNow apartment houses in Novopavlovsk and Georgievsk prepare for commissioning, collecting necessary documents is carried out. After work on resettlement of citizens to new apartments] will begiNow apartment houses in Novopavlovsk and Georgievsk prepare for commissioning, collecting necessary documents is carried out. After work on resettlement of citizens to new apartments] will begi7/11/2023Valery Savchenko1275Region News+6 last weekMayor since 2016Anatoly Aleksandrovich Zmievsky0Media ScoreMayor since 2016Anatoly Aleksandrovich Zmievsky247years oldDate of establishmentSeptember 18, 17771:35:59 AMGMT+326RUS+7 87938Dialing code104Connections+19 last weekPopulation26 062NewsConnections Tree
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