Georgiyevsk Stavropol Territory, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn Georgievsk today in the second half of day there was a fire in the territory of military unit. Ignition was in economic construction. It is already extinguishedIn Georgievsk today in the second half of day there was a fire in the territory of military unit. Ignition was in economic construction. It is already extinguished8/9/2023Vladimir VladimirovOn the operational information, all people are live. For carrying out the analysis of a condition of atmospheric air the mobile laboratory is sent to Georgievsk8/25/2023Vladimir VladimirovIn Georgievsk today in the second half of day there was a fire in the territory of military unit. Ignition was in economic construction. It is already extinguishedIn Georgievsk today in the second half of day there was a fire in the territory of military unit. Ignition was in economic construction. It is already extinguished8/9/2023Vladimir VladimirovOn the operational information, all people are live. For carrying out the analysis of a condition of atmospheric air the mobile laboratory is sent to Georgievsk8/25/2023Vladimir VladimirovIn Georgievsk today in the second half of day there was a fire in the territory of military unit. Ignition was in economic construction. It is already extinguishedIn Georgievsk today in the second half of day there was a fire in the territory of military unit. Ignition was in economic construction. It is already extinguished8/9/2023Vladimir Vladimirov1281Region News+28 last weekActing as head since 2020Jeanne Donets0Media ScoreActing as head since 2020Jeanne Donets247years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 17777:37:17 AMGMT+326RUS787951Dialing code153Connections+65 last weekPopulation66 436NewsConnections Tree
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Trending TechnologiesMost discussed today6Mathematical modelingRating: 14Mention frequency14ConnectionsOrganizations249Places154Technologies57People47Events27
AccidentsПешеход погиб ночью на автодороге «Георгиевск — Урухская — Орловка»11/24/2024Geography23 secAccidentsВ Георгиевском округе погиб пешеходMK.RU Stavropol (Caucasus)11/24/2024CompaniesGeography19 secEducationНа Ставрополье выбрали лучшего учителя историиMK.RU Stavropol (Caucasus)11/23/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography22 secPoliticsНового главу Георгиевской и Прасковейской епархии представили на Ставрополье11/21/2024CompaniesGeography40 secSocial policyНа Ставрополье решают проблему дефицита водыAIF Stavropol11/21/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography4.8 minCentral Federal DistrictВ гимназии №2 Георгиевска отремонтировали спортзалOfficial site of the city of Georgievsk11/21/2024Geography26 sec