Ust-Labinsk Krasnodar Territory, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAt 17.17 on October 4 in Krasnogvardeisky district on the highway Maikop - Ust-Labinsk there was a car ignition. Lost and injured is not present. The cause of the fire and material damage are establishedAt 17.17 on October 4 in Krasnogvardeisky district on the highway Maikop - Ust-Labinsk there was a car ignition. Lost and injured is not present. The cause of the fire and material damage are established10/6/2017Andrey Ivanovich KolesnikIn the city of Ust-Labinsk of Krasnodar Krai the court appointed punishment to the driver of the motorcycle who in a park zone made arrival on the teenager and disappeared from a road accident place6/26/2023Irina VolkAt 17.17 on October 4 in Krasnogvardeisky district on the highway Maikop - Ust-Labinsk there was a car ignition. Lost and injured is not present. The cause of the fire and material damage are establishedAt 17.17 on October 4 in Krasnogvardeisky district on the highway Maikop - Ust-Labinsk there was a car ignition. Lost and injured is not present. The cause of the fire and material damage are established10/6/2017Andrey Ivanovich KolesnikIn the city of Ust-Labinsk of Krasnodar Krai the court appointed punishment to the driver of the motorcycle who in a park zone made arrival on the teenager and disappeared from a road accident place6/26/2023Irina VolkAt 17.17 on October 4 in Krasnogvardeisky district on the highway Maikop - Ust-Labinsk there was a car ignition. Lost and injured is not present. The cause of the fire and material damage are establishedAt 17.17 on October 4 in Krasnogvardeisky district on the highway Maikop - Ust-Labinsk there was a car ignition. Lost and injured is not present. The cause of the fire and material damage are established10/6/2017Andrey Ivanovich Kolesnik12110Region News+26 last week since 2023Stanislas Aleksandrovich Gaynyuchenko0Media Score since 2023Stanislas Aleksandrovich Gaynyuchenko66years oldDate of establishmentMay 28, 195810:17:08 PMGMT+323RUS786135Dialing code211Connections+69 last weekPopulation39 456NewsConnections Tree
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