Kamen-na-Obi Altai Territory, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreTo the Kamensk area delivery of the boiler equipment and materials for boiler room No. 29 repair is planned for the sum of 6 million rubles. Besides, municipality documentation on modernization of a thermal complex in the Stone - on - Ob] prepareTo the Kamensk area delivery of the boiler equipment and materials for boiler room No. 29 repair is planned for the sum of 6 million rubles. Besides, municipality documentation on modernization of a thermal complex in the Stone - on - Ob] prepare7/14/2021Yvan GilevTogether with the Ministry of economic development we consider both Biisk, and Rubtsovsk, and the Stone - on - Ob. But it is necessary to understand to get to a special economic zone that it accepted at federal level, it is necessary that there was an investment project11/1/2022Vyacheslav KhimochkaTo the Kamensk area delivery of the boiler equipment and materials for boiler room No. 29 repair is planned for the sum of 6 million rubles. Besides, municipality documentation on modernization of a thermal complex in the Stone - on - Ob] prepareTo the Kamensk area delivery of the boiler equipment and materials for boiler room No. 29 repair is planned for the sum of 6 million rubles. Besides, municipality documentation on modernization of a thermal complex in the Stone - on - Ob] prepare7/14/2021Yvan GilevTogether with the Ministry of economic development we consider both Biisk, and Rubtsovsk, and the Stone - on - Ob. But it is necessary to understand to get to a special economic zone that it accepted at federal level, it is necessary that there was an investment project11/1/2022Vyacheslav KhimochkaTo the Kamensk area delivery of the boiler equipment and materials for boiler room No. 29 repair is planned for the sum of 6 million rubles. Besides, municipality documentation on modernization of a thermal complex in the Stone - on - Ob] prepareTo the Kamensk area delivery of the boiler equipment and materials for boiler room No. 29 repair is planned for the sum of 6 million rubles. Besides, municipality documentation on modernization of a thermal complex in the Stone - on - Ob] prepare7/14/2021Yvan Gilev12102Region News+12 last weekMayor since 2017Youri Trofimov0Media ScoreMayor since 2017Youri Trofimov109years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19156:33:20 PMGMT+722RUS+738584Dialing code161Connections+40 last weekPopulation40 795NewsConnections Tree
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