Tsivilsk Chuvash Republic, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreTreatment facilities for Tsivilsk – the subject sick, is a lot of years sharply discussed. Rather large number of budget money, but, unfortunately, was allocated works up to the end are not completeTreatment facilities for Tsivilsk – the subject sick, is a lot of years sharply discussed. Rather large number of budget money, but, unfortunately, was allocated works up to the end are not complete6/4/2020Oleg Alekseevich NikolaevYesterday revealed a certain indisposition at the person participating in a face of the patient with anthrax of a bull-calf in Tsivilsky MO. According to preliminary data, there are all signs of that the man caught this disease3/22/2023Oleg Alekseevich NikolaevTreatment facilities for Tsivilsk – the subject sick, is a lot of years sharply discussed. Rather large number of budget money, but, unfortunately, was allocated works up to the end are not completeTreatment facilities for Tsivilsk – the subject sick, is a lot of years sharply discussed. Rather large number of budget money, but, unfortunately, was allocated works up to the end are not complete6/4/2020Oleg Alekseevich NikolaevYesterday revealed a certain indisposition at the person participating in a face of the patient with anthrax of a bull-calf in Tsivilsky MO. According to preliminary data, there are all signs of that the man caught this disease3/22/2023Oleg Alekseevich NikolaevTreatment facilities for Tsivilsk – the subject sick, is a lot of years sharply discussed. Rather large number of budget money, but, unfortunately, was allocated works up to the end are not completeTreatment facilities for Tsivilsk – the subject sick, is a lot of years sharply discussed. Rather large number of budget money, but, unfortunately, was allocated works up to the end are not complete6/4/2020Oleg Alekseevich Nikolaev12108Region News+27 last weekHead of administration of the city settlement since 2020Vladimir Ivanovich Petrov0Media ScoreHead of administration of the city settlement since 2020Vladimir Ivanovich Petrov244years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 178112:57:58 PMGMT+321RUS+783545Dialing code163Connections+81 last weekPopulation14 328NewsConnections Tree
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