city Mariinsky Posad Chuvash Republic, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowAccording to the regional project "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment" 34 public and one domestic territories in the current year equip with modern conveniences, within the All-Russian competition improvement is conducted in the cities the Mythical stone, Kanash and Mariinsky PosadAccording to the regional project "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment" 34 public and one domestic territories in the current year equip with modern conveniences, within the All-Russian competition improvement is conducted in the cities the Mythical stone, Kanash and Mariinsky Posad7/29/2021Pavel DanilovThe new light modern school on 375 places opened today doors for 329 school students Mariinsky Posada. The school bears a name of one of founders of the Russian pedagogics of Konstantin Dmitriyevich Ushinsky9/1/2023Oleg Alekseevich NikolaevAccording to the regional project "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment" 34 public and one domestic territories in the current year equip with modern conveniences, within the All-Russian competition improvement is conducted in the cities the Mythical stone, Kanash and Mariinsky PosadAccording to the regional project "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment" 34 public and one domestic territories in the current year equip with modern conveniences, within the All-Russian competition improvement is conducted in the cities the Mythical stone, Kanash and Mariinsky Posad7/29/2021Pavel DanilovThe new light modern school on 375 places opened today doors for 329 school students Mariinsky Posada. The school bears a name of one of founders of the Russian pedagogics of Konstantin Dmitriyevich Ushinsky9/1/2023Oleg Alekseevich NikolaevAccording to the regional project "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment" 34 public and one domestic territories in the current year equip with modern conveniences, within the All-Russian competition improvement is conducted in the cities the Mythical stone, Kanash and Mariinsky PosadAccording to the regional project "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment" 34 public and one domestic territories in the current year equip with modern conveniences, within the All-Russian competition improvement is conducted in the cities the Mythical stone, Kanash and Mariinsky Posad7/29/2021Pavel Danilov1262Region News+6 last weekChairman since 2020Petr Nikolaevich MikhaylovMedia Score: LowChairman since 2020Petr Nikolaevich Mikhaylov169years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 18566:44:21 AMGMT+321RUS+783542Dialing code135Connections+14 last weekPopulation8 755NewsConnections Tree
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