Shumerlya Chuvash Republic, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe put in order of 20 kilometers of roads this year. For example, on Surskoye Road - Shumerl was updated capitally by two sites: five kilometers from Sursky to the village Studenets and four kilometers from Students to KnyazhukhiWe put in order of 20 kilometers of roads this year. For example, on Surskoye Road - Shumerl was updated capitally by two sites: five kilometers from Sursky to the village Studenets and four kilometers from Students to Knyazhukhi10/26/2023Aleksey RusskikhConstruction of the road goes thanks to the Modernization of Transport Infrastructure national project. It will allow to reach from Shumerli Moscow in 4 hours11/15/2023Oleg Alekseevich NikolaevWe put in order of 20 kilometers of roads this year. For example, on Surskoye Road - Shumerl was updated capitally by two sites: five kilometers from Sursky to the village Studenets and four kilometers from Students to KnyazhukhiWe put in order of 20 kilometers of roads this year. For example, on Surskoye Road - Shumerl was updated capitally by two sites: five kilometers from Sursky to the village Studenets and four kilometers from Students to Knyazhukhi10/26/2023Aleksey RusskikhConstruction of the road goes thanks to the Modernization of Transport Infrastructure national project. It will allow to reach from Shumerli Moscow in 4 hours11/15/2023Oleg Alekseevich NikolaevWe put in order of 20 kilometers of roads this year. For example, on Surskoye Road - Shumerl was updated capitally by two sites: five kilometers from Sursky to the village Studenets and four kilometers from Students to KnyazhukhiWe put in order of 20 kilometers of roads this year. For example, on Surskoye Road - Shumerl was updated capitally by two sites: five kilometers from Sursky to the village Studenets and four kilometers from Students to Knyazhukhi10/26/2023Aleksey Russkikh1291Region News+20 last weekHead of administration since 2020Valery Aleksandrovich Shigashev0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2020Valery Aleksandrovich Shigashev87years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19377:51:18 AMGMT+321RUS+783536Dialing code140Connections+69 last weekPopulation29 553NewsConnections Tree
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