Chernogorsk Republic of Khakassia, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreToday visited the beginning of construction of the Muslim Mosque where representatives of Islamic diasporas put the first brick of future building. Doors of the Mosque will be open not only for the Muslims living in Chernogorsk, and also for all guestsToday visited the beginning of construction of the Muslim Mosque where representatives of Islamic diasporas put the first brick of future building. Doors of the Mosque will be open not only for the Muslims living in Chernogorsk, and also for all guests8/3/2022Vasilii BelonogovI consider that we have to realize the suffrage fully. I made the choice. I urge each inhabitant of Chernogorsk to come to polling stations and to give the vote for worthy candidates, for Republic prosperity9/8/2023Vasilii BelonogovToday visited the beginning of construction of the Muslim Mosque where representatives of Islamic diasporas put the first brick of future building. Doors of the Mosque will be open not only for the Muslims living in Chernogorsk, and also for all guestsToday visited the beginning of construction of the Muslim Mosque where representatives of Islamic diasporas put the first brick of future building. Doors of the Mosque will be open not only for the Muslims living in Chernogorsk, and also for all guests8/3/2022Vasilii BelonogovI consider that we have to realize the suffrage fully. I made the choice. I urge each inhabitant of Chernogorsk to come to polling stations and to give the vote for worthy candidates, for Republic prosperity9/8/2023Vasilii BelonogovToday visited the beginning of construction of the Muslim Mosque where representatives of Islamic diasporas put the first brick of future building. Doors of the Mosque will be open not only for the Muslims living in Chernogorsk, and also for all guestsToday visited the beginning of construction of the Muslim Mosque where representatives of Islamic diasporas put the first brick of future building. Doors of the Mosque will be open not only for the Muslims living in Chernogorsk, and also for all guests8/3/2022Vasilii Belonogov12272Region News+39 last weekMayor since 2010Vasilii Belonogov0Media ScoreMayor since 2010Vasilii Belonogov117years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19074:58:48 AMGMT+719RUS+739031Dialing code285Connections+68 last weekPopulation77 452NewsConnections Tree
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Housing and Utility SectorВ Черногорске восстанавливают электроснабжение - три отключения света в один деньKhakassia12/21/2024CompaniesGeographyMedia1.2 minLawВ Хакасии приставы помогли женщине с ребенком вселиться в жилье, куда ее не пускал бывший иужAIS (Khakassia)12/20/2024CompaniesGeography55 secLawНачальник ОМВД России по г.Черногорску Андрей Гительман вручил удостоверения учащимся полицейского класса12/20/2024PeopleGeography1.2 minEntertainmentГлавную елку Черногорска откроют 24 декабряSouth of Siberia12/20/2024PeopleGeographyMedia21 secSocial policyКакую пенсию жители Хакасии будут получать в 2025 году?Shans.Online — News of Khakassia12/20/2024CompaniesGeography25 secLawВ Черногорске изъят алкоголь без акцизных марок12/19/2024Geography36 sec
Trending OrganizationsMost discussed today11PPKRating: 70Mention frequency70ConnectionsPlaces128People89Organizations85Events61Technologies9
Social policyШкольники изготавливают окопные свечи для участников СВО при поддержке Общественного совета при МВД по Республике Хакасия12/19/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia34 secHealth«Большинство людей не представляют, что это такое» - Владимир Костюш рассказал о новом направлении работыKhakassia12/19/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia6.2 minAccidentsНа Камчатке задержали подростка, ограбившего отделение почты12/19/2024GeographyMedia58 secSiberian Federal District4 декабря Торгово-промышленная палата подвела итоги 2024 года торжественным заседанием клуба "Меркурий".На мероприятии вручили членские билеты новым у...12/19/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography31 secIndustryТепло Красноярского края: СГК подвела итоги года и 15-летия — news of Krasnoyarsk12/18/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography4.7 minSocial policyПраздник среди нас: читатели делятся красотами Хакасии на новогодний ладKhakassia12/18/2024Geography21 sec