Menzelinsk Republic of Tatarstan, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe general trouble and the tragedy which comprehended the republic, removes aside other agenda. Yesterday in Menzelinsk the plane of local aero club which transported parachutists crashed, 16 people were lost, 6 people took from under plane fragmentsThe general trouble and the tragedy which comprehended the republic, removes aside other agenda. Yesterday in Menzelinsk the plane of local aero club which transported parachutists crashed, 16 people were lost, 6 people took from under plane fragments10/11/2021Ilsur MetshinIt would be in that case possible to make the mixed "the train-the bus" option, and people would go. Somewhere behind Menzelinsk the station could be constructed and from there already to put buses to Ufa9/29/2022Kirill YankovThe greatest indicators of mortality among able-bodied population are recorded in Novosheshminskom (862,4 on 100 thousand of population), Verkhneuslonsk (821,1), Menzelinsk (794,0), Sarmanovsk (791,7) and Kaybitsky (736,5) areasThe greatest indicators of mortality among able-bodied population are recorded in Novosheshminskom (862,4 on 100 thousand of population), Verkhneuslonsk (821,1), Menzelinsk (794,0), Sarmanovsk (791,7) and Kaybitsky (736,5) areas1/27/2022Marat SadykovThe general trouble and the tragedy which comprehended the republic, removes aside other agenda. Yesterday in Menzelinsk the plane of local aero club which transported parachutists crashed, 16 people were lost, 6 people took from under plane fragmentsThe general trouble and the tragedy which comprehended the republic, removes aside other agenda. Yesterday in Menzelinsk the plane of local aero club which transported parachutists crashed, 16 people were lost, 6 people took from under plane fragments10/11/2021Ilsur MetshinIt would be in that case possible to make the mixed "the train-the bus" option, and people would go. Somewhere behind Menzelinsk the station could be constructed and from there already to put buses to Ufa9/29/2022Kirill YankovThe greatest indicators of mortality among able-bodied population are recorded in Novosheshminskom (862,4 on 100 thousand of population), Verkhneuslonsk (821,1), Menzelinsk (794,0), Sarmanovsk (791,7) and Kaybitsky (736,5) areasThe greatest indicators of mortality among able-bodied population are recorded in Novosheshminskom (862,4 on 100 thousand of population), Verkhneuslonsk (821,1), Menzelinsk (794,0), Sarmanovsk (791,7) and Kaybitsky (736,5) areas1/27/2022Marat SadykovThe general trouble and the tragedy which comprehended the republic, removes aside other agenda. Yesterday in Menzelinsk the plane of local aero club which transported parachutists crashed, 16 people were lost, 6 people took from under plane fragmentsThe general trouble and the tragedy which comprehended the republic, removes aside other agenda. Yesterday in Menzelinsk the plane of local aero club which transported parachutists crashed, 16 people were lost, 6 people took from under plane fragments10/11/2021Ilsur Metshin12376Region News+20 last weekMayor since 2013Aydar SalakhovMedia Score: LowMayor since 2013Aydar Salakhov438years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 15863:41:33 AMGMT+316RUS+7 85555Dialing code87Connections+27 last weekPopulation17 030NewsConnections Tree
OtherВ Мензелинске определились Король и Королева шахматMenzelya11/24/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts41 secLawЧелнинская наркогруппировка получила длительные сроки заключения11/24/2024GeographyMedia35 secOtherУспехи детей — радость для родителейMenzelya11/24/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.9 minTheaterВ Мензелинском театре состоялась премьера комедии «Женитьба»Menzelya11/23/2024PeopleGeography1.6 minBooksВышел сборник стихов молодой поэтессы Гульназ АхметшинойMenzelya11/23/2024PeopleGeography24 secAccidentsМужчина выпал из окна 4 этажа в жилом доме в Казани11/21/2024Geography15 sec
AccidentsЖилой дом полыхает в Мензелинске — фото11/21/2024Geography17 secEcologyДля ликвидации свалок в Татарстане использовали новые системы дегазации11/21/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts35 secEcologyЗампред комитета Госдумы по экологии: ни одни очистные в Татарстане не вышли на целевые показателиOnline business11/21/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.6 minVolga Federal DistrictВ Мензелинске идёт месячник по профилактике африканской чумы свинейMenzelya11/21/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography42 secSocial policyВ детской школе искусств Мензелинска прошло мероприятие, посвященное Дню материMenzelya11/21/2024PeopleGeography18 secSocial policyВоспитанники ДОУ №1 «Нефтяник» поздравили жителей дома-интернатаMenzelya11/21/2024CompaniesGeography47 sec
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EducationВолонтеры группы «Поддержим наших г. Мензелинск» провели мастер- класс по изготовлению чаяMenzelya11/21/2024PeopleGeography20 secLawВ Челнах задержали 12 человек – им вменяют 40 эпизодов сбыта наркотиковChelny-Biz.ru11/21/2024CompaniesGeography44 secPoliticsВ Татарстане завершили программу по капремонту 25 поликлиникThe business center of the Republic of Tatarstan - the Internet portal11/20/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography19 secSocial policyВ Мензелинске необходимо ускорить сбор имущественных налоговMenzelya11/20/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography35 secHealthВ Мензелинском медицинском училище прошло мероприятие под названием «Дети будущего» по профилактике ВИЧ-инфекцииMenzelya11/19/2024Geography20 secSocial policyЖительница Мензелинска вяжет обереги для бойцов СВОMenzelya11/18/2024PeopleGeographyMedia1.3 min