Mirny Sakha Republic, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThere will be no closing of the city Mirnyi. There is a federal airport, it is impossible to take and close just like that the cityThere will be no closing of the city Mirnyi. There is a federal airport, it is impossible to take and close just like that the city6/22/2020Rishat YuzmukhametovYesterday in Gavril and Arina's Onufriyev' family from Mirnyi's city the daughter was born. It is great pleasure not only for this family, her family, but also for all people of Yakutia. Because it is the million inhabitant of the republic6/24/2023Aysen NikolaevThere will be no closing of the city Mirnyi. There is a federal airport, it is impossible to take and close just like that the cityThere will be no closing of the city Mirnyi. There is a federal airport, it is impossible to take and close just like that the city6/22/2020Rishat YuzmukhametovYesterday in Gavril and Arina's Onufriyev' family from Mirnyi's city the daughter was born. It is great pleasure not only for this family, her family, but also for all people of Yakutia. Because it is the million inhabitant of the republic6/24/2023Aysen NikolaevThere will be no closing of the city Mirnyi. There is a federal airport, it is impossible to take and close just like that the cityThere will be no closing of the city Mirnyi. There is a federal airport, it is impossible to take and close just like that the city6/22/2020Rishat Yuzmukhametov1264Region News+12 last weekMayor since 2017Klim Nesterovich AntonovMedia Score: LowMayor since 2017Klim Nesterovich Antonov66years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 195910:41:17 PMGMT+914RUS+741136Dialing code129Connections+51 last weekPopulation35 223NewsConnections Tree
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Trending TechnologiesMost discussed today103Yandeks.NedvizhimostRating: 5Mention frequency5ConnectionsPlaces181Organizations45Events39People23Technologies11
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