Aldan Sakha Republic, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowSlaven the labor records legendary city of Aldan. On the Yakut earth it was provided a third of all-union gold mining and 80% of micaSlaven the labor records legendary city of Aldan. On the Yakut earth it was provided a third of all-union gold mining and 80% of mica9/10/2021Vladimir PutinAlso discussed agriculture development, creation in Aldan of an agro-industrial cluster of South Yakutia and plans to celebration 100 - the anniversaries of the city of Aldan which is planned in September of this year1/19/2023Aysen NikolaevI congratulate our cities of Aldan, Lensk and Olekminsk which got to number of winners. On realization of improvement of the cities the republic will receive 240 million rubles from the federal budget: Aldan — 85 million rubles, Lensk — 85 million, Olekminsk — 70 millionI congratulate our cities of Aldan, Lensk and Olekminsk which got to number of winners. On realization of improvement of the cities the republic will receive 240 million rubles from the federal budget: Aldan — 85 million rubles, Lensk — 85 million, Olekminsk — 70 million8/19/2022Aysen NikolaevSlaven the labor records legendary city of Aldan. On the Yakut earth it was provided a third of all-union gold mining and 80% of micaSlaven the labor records legendary city of Aldan. On the Yakut earth it was provided a third of all-union gold mining and 80% of mica9/10/2021Vladimir PutinAlso discussed agriculture development, creation in Aldan of an agro-industrial cluster of South Yakutia and plans to celebration 100 - the anniversaries of the city of Aldan which is planned in September of this year1/19/2023Aysen NikolaevI congratulate our cities of Aldan, Lensk and Olekminsk which got to number of winners. On realization of improvement of the cities the republic will receive 240 million rubles from the federal budget: Aldan — 85 million rubles, Lensk — 85 million, Olekminsk — 70 millionI congratulate our cities of Aldan, Lensk and Olekminsk which got to number of winners. On realization of improvement of the cities the republic will receive 240 million rubles from the federal budget: Aldan — 85 million rubles, Lensk — 85 million, Olekminsk — 70 million8/19/2022Aysen NikolaevSlaven the labor records legendary city of Aldan. On the Yakut earth it was provided a third of all-union gold mining and 80% of micaSlaven the labor records legendary city of Aldan. On the Yakut earth it was provided a third of all-union gold mining and 80% of mica9/10/2021Vladimir Putin12320Region News+9 last weekHead of the municipality since 2006Alexander BugayMedia Score: LowHead of the municipality since 2006Alexander Bugay92years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19329:24:27 PMGMT+914RUS+741145Dialing code63Connections+26 last weekPopulation20 595NewsConnections Tree
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