Volzhsk Mari El Republic, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreNow construction and reconstruction of 7 objects is carried out, from them input of three objects in the current year is provided: it is the case of the republican veterinary laboratory, the second stage of Urayev Boulevard and the building of delivery room in VolzhskNow construction and reconstruction of 7 objects is carried out, from them input of three objects in the current year is provided: it is the case of the republican veterinary laboratory, the second stage of Urayev Boulevard and the building of delivery room in Volzhsk9/29/2022Stanislas KrylovWe arrived on a visit, learned incidentally about it a holiday, Lyudmila in general from Norilsk, we from Volzhsk. Therefore it is very joyful to participate on the Tatar earth in such magnificent holiday7/10/2023Ирина Михайловна ШадринаNow construction and reconstruction of 7 objects is carried out, from them input of three objects in the current year is provided: it is the case of the republican veterinary laboratory, the second stage of Urayev Boulevard and the building of delivery room in VolzhskNow construction and reconstruction of 7 objects is carried out, from them input of three objects in the current year is provided: it is the case of the republican veterinary laboratory, the second stage of Urayev Boulevard and the building of delivery room in Volzhsk9/29/2022Stanislas KrylovWe arrived on a visit, learned incidentally about it a holiday, Lyudmila in general from Norilsk, we from Volzhsk. Therefore it is very joyful to participate on the Tatar earth in such magnificent holiday7/10/2023Ирина Михайловна ШадринаNow construction and reconstruction of 7 objects is carried out, from them input of three objects in the current year is provided: it is the case of the republican veterinary laboratory, the second stage of Urayev Boulevard and the building of delivery room in VolzhskNow construction and reconstruction of 7 objects is carried out, from them input of three objects in the current year is provided: it is the case of the republican veterinary laboratory, the second stage of Urayev Boulevard and the building of delivery room in Volzhsk9/29/2022Stanislas Krylov12153Region News+46 last weekActing as head since 2022Rafis Shagvaleev0Media ScoreActing as head since 2022Rafis Shagvaleev84years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19404:22:17 AMGMT+312RUS+783631Dialing code177Connections+54 last weekPopulation53 216NewsConnections Tree
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