Mogoytuy district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn the first half of 2022 such help was received by eight families from the Aleksandrovo-Zavodsky, Duldurginsky and Mogochinsky area. Recently three more families waited for this support – already from Onon and Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky, Mogoytuysky areasIn the first half of 2022 such help was received by eight families from the Aleksandrovo-Zavodsky, Duldurginsky and Mogochinsky area. Recently three more families waited for this support – already from Onon and Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky, Mogoytuysky areas12/27/2022Alexander BardaleevImplementation of this project — a significant event for all inhabitants of the Mogoytuysky area. Thus, new opportunities and prospects open for sports development in all Agin Buryat Autonomous Area8/24/2023Bair ZhamsuevIn the first half of 2022 such help was received by eight families from the Aleksandrovo-Zavodsky, Duldurginsky and Mogochinsky area. Recently three more families waited for this support – already from Onon and Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky, Mogoytuysky areasIn the first half of 2022 such help was received by eight families from the Aleksandrovo-Zavodsky, Duldurginsky and Mogochinsky area. Recently three more families waited for this support – already from Onon and Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky, Mogoytuysky areas12/27/2022Alexander BardaleevImplementation of this project — a significant event for all inhabitants of the Mogoytuysky area. Thus, new opportunities and prospects open for sports development in all Agin Buryat Autonomous Area8/24/2023Bair ZhamsuevIn the first half of 2022 such help was received by eight families from the Aleksandrovo-Zavodsky, Duldurginsky and Mogochinsky area. Recently three more families waited for this support – already from Onon and Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky, Mogoytuysky areasIn the first half of 2022 such help was received by eight families from the Aleksandrovo-Zavodsky, Duldurginsky and Mogochinsky area. Recently three more families waited for this support – already from Onon and Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky, Mogoytuysky areas12/27/2022Alexander Bardaleev1226Region News+10 last weekHead since 2013Bulat Nimbuev0Media ScoreHead since 2013Bulat Nimbuev7:34:38 PMGMT+975RUS+7 30255Dialing code91Connections+56 last weekPopulation26 416NewsConnections Tree
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