Obluchye district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreNow we open a fire-dangerous season and 27 forest fires are already registered. The area passed by fire, exceeds 300 hectares. Fires are liquidated per day. There are operating two natural fires in the Birobidzhan and Obluchensky areasNow we open a fire-dangerous season and 27 forest fires are already registered. The area passed by fire, exceeds 300 hectares. Fires are liquidated per day. There are operating two natural fires in the Birobidzhan and Obluchensky areas4/5/2018Roman Stepanovich BoykoTaking into account standards of Ministry of Health in the Obluchensky area there is enough medical staff and means which if necessary will be redistributed on the territory to provide the population with timely medical care11/5/2021Wladyslaw Aleksandrovich KoganNow we open a fire-dangerous season and 27 forest fires are already registered. The area passed by fire, exceeds 300 hectares. Fires are liquidated per day. There are operating two natural fires in the Birobidzhan and Obluchensky areasNow we open a fire-dangerous season and 27 forest fires are already registered. The area passed by fire, exceeds 300 hectares. Fires are liquidated per day. There are operating two natural fires in the Birobidzhan and Obluchensky areas4/5/2018Roman Stepanovich BoykoTaking into account standards of Ministry of Health in the Obluchensky area there is enough medical staff and means which if necessary will be redistributed on the territory to provide the population with timely medical care11/5/2021Wladyslaw Aleksandrovich KoganNow we open a fire-dangerous season and 27 forest fires are already registered. The area passed by fire, exceeds 300 hectares. Fires are liquidated per day. There are operating two natural fires in the Birobidzhan and Obluchensky areasNow we open a fire-dangerous season and 27 forest fires are already registered. The area passed by fire, exceeds 300 hectares. Fires are liquidated per day. There are operating two natural fires in the Birobidzhan and Obluchensky areas4/5/2018Roman Stepanovich Boyko1287Region News+10 last weekHead since 2020Eugenie Rekeda0Media ScoreHead since 2020Eugenie Rekeda80years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19455:24:12 AMGMT+1079RUS+742666Dialing code83Connections+17 last weekPopulation25 513NewsConnections Tree
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AccidentsОтогрел до "углей": сжег автомобиль житель Облученского района ЕАОEAOmedia12/24/2024CompaniesGeography25 secNorthwestern Federal DistrictЛыжный сезон открыли в Облученском районе ЕАО12/24/2024PeopleGeography50 secEntertainmentЛедовый городок торжественно открылся на главной площади Биробиджане12/24/2024GeographyPeopleMedia2.3 minSocial policyНачальник Управления по вопросам миграции УМВД России по ЕАО проведет прием граждан12/23/2024PeopleGeographyCompanies17 secAccidentsУшел на рыбалку и пропал: пенсионера разыскивают в ЕАОEAOmedia12/23/2024GeographyPeopleCompanies34 secAccidentsСнег слетел с фуры на попутную машину, и водитель, потеряв управление, скатился с трассы в кювет12/23/2024GeographyMedia45 sec