Pervomaysky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe plan that next year inhabitants of the May Day area will be able already to go to the new pool. Now they go in DanilovWe plan that next year inhabitants of the May Day area will be able already to go to the new pool. Now they go in Danilov9/26/2018Dimitri MironovBy results of departures the positive assessment of preparation for winter of the first is given to Breytovsky, Bolsheselsky, Gavrilov-Yamsky, May Day, Redneck and Rybinsk areas9/12/2023Aleksey RyabchenkovWe plan that next year inhabitants of the May Day area will be able already to go to the new pool. Now they go in DanilovWe plan that next year inhabitants of the May Day area will be able already to go to the new pool. Now they go in Danilov9/26/2018Dimitri MironovBy results of departures the positive assessment of preparation for winter of the first is given to Breytovsky, Bolsheselsky, Gavrilov-Yamsky, May Day, Redneck and Rybinsk areas9/12/2023Aleksey RyabchenkovWe plan that next year inhabitants of the May Day area will be able already to go to the new pool. Now they go in DanilovWe plan that next year inhabitants of the May Day area will be able already to go to the new pool. Now they go in Danilov9/26/2018Dimitri Mironov1220Region News+4 last weekMedia Score: Low95years oldDate of establishment19295:07:38 AMGMT+376RUS48549Dialing code58Connections+26 last weekPopulation10 076NewsConnections Tree
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