Shilkinsky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAll platforms are constructed and already ready to accept inhabitants. In Chita there were six universal sports grounds, two - in Krasnokamensk, in the Agin Buryat Autonomous Area – three. On one – in Chita, Petrovsk-Zabaykalsk, Baleysky and Shilkinsky areasAll platforms are constructed and already ready to accept inhabitants. In Chita there were six universal sports grounds, two - in Krasnokamensk, in the Agin Buryat Autonomous Area – three. On one – in Chita, Petrovsk-Zabaykalsk, Baleysky and Shilkinsky areas9/26/2023Alexander BardaleevIt was stabilized a situation in the Shilkinsky area and incidence corresponded to level of last week. Some decrease is noted in the Duldurginsky area11/27/2023Svetlana LapaAll platforms are constructed and already ready to accept inhabitants. In Chita there were six universal sports grounds, two - in Krasnokamensk, in the Agin Buryat Autonomous Area – three. On one – in Chita, Petrovsk-Zabaykalsk, Baleysky and Shilkinsky areasAll platforms are constructed and already ready to accept inhabitants. In Chita there were six universal sports grounds, two - in Krasnokamensk, in the Agin Buryat Autonomous Area – three. On one – in Chita, Petrovsk-Zabaykalsk, Baleysky and Shilkinsky areas9/26/2023Alexander BardaleevIt was stabilized a situation in the Shilkinsky area and incidence corresponded to level of last week. Some decrease is noted in the Duldurginsky area11/27/2023Svetlana LapaAll platforms are constructed and already ready to accept inhabitants. In Chita there were six universal sports grounds, two - in Krasnokamensk, in the Agin Buryat Autonomous Area – three. On one – in Chita, Petrovsk-Zabaykalsk, Baleysky and Shilkinsky areasAll platforms are constructed and already ready to accept inhabitants. In Chita there were six universal sports grounds, two - in Krasnokamensk, in the Agin Buryat Autonomous Area – three. On one – in Chita, Petrovsk-Zabaykalsk, Baleysky and Shilkinsky areas9/26/2023Alexander Bardaleev1230Region News+11 last weekHead since 2017Sergei Vorobyev0Media ScoreHead since 2017Sergei Vorobyev9:41:59 PMGMT+975RUS+7 30244Dialing code107Connections+66 last weekPopulation39 772NewsConnections Tree
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EducationЗавкафедрой ЧГМА скончалась в ЧитеChita. Ru12/24/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts1.5 minAccidentsЖилые дома, гаражи и автомобили: что тушили забайкальские пожарные в минувшие выходные12/23/2024CompaniesGeography1.4 minPoliticsКрасавчики во власти ЗабайкальяChita. Ru12/23/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia6.6 minAccidentsПоголовье овец пытались незаконно ввезти в ЧитуZABmedia.ru12/19/2024CompaniesGeography25 secPoliticsПочти 25,5 тысяч голосов отдали забайкальцы в рамках реализации проекта «Устранение цифрового неравенства»12/18/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts1.6 minAccidentsРодители задохнувшегося в забайкальском детсаду ребенка потребовали наказать виновныхChita. Ru12/16/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts38 sec
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AccidentsВ Забайкальском крае пресечена незаконная транспортировка 26 овец12/16/2024CompaniesGeography28 secEntertainmentВ Чите состоялся парад новогодних ёлок и Дедов Морозов12/16/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts1.3 minAccidentsСпас человека и задержал преступника — дядя, воспитавший участника СВО, рассказал о его жизни в ШилкеChita. Ru12/10/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.2 minTransportationПо БКД в Забайкалье отремонтировали 25 мостов на региональных трассахDorinfo — Road news12/5/2024CompaniesGeography1.1 minTransportationРекордное для ДФО количество километров дорог отремонтировали в Забайкалье в 2024 году по нацпроектуChita. Ru12/5/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography2.1 minAccidentsДвое подростков разбили стекло в кабине поезда на ЗабЖДChita. Ru12/3/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia43 sec