Kalga district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowFor the first time the case the koronavirusy is registered in the Kalgan area, thus, the virus is registered in all areasFor the first time the case the koronavirusy is registered in the Kalgan area, thus, the virus is registered in all areas9/21/2020Svetlana LapaAleksandrovo-Zavodsky, Baleysky, Kalgan, Krasnochikoysky, Olovyanninsky, Onon, Sretensky, Hiloksky and Chernyshevsky areas caused a stir and carried out much more fairs, than planned12/19/2022Alexander BardaleevIt is Akshinsky, Kalgan, Olovyanninsky, Onon, Sretensky, Chita areas and the city Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky. Despite it, the indicator managed to be improved – year before such municipalities was nineIt is Akshinsky, Kalgan, Olovyanninsky, Onon, Sretensky, Chita areas and the city Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky. Despite it, the indicator managed to be improved – year before such municipalities was nine1/14/2021Vera AntropovaFor the first time the case the koronavirusy is registered in the Kalgan area, thus, the virus is registered in all areasFor the first time the case the koronavirusy is registered in the Kalgan area, thus, the virus is registered in all areas9/21/2020Svetlana LapaAleksandrovo-Zavodsky, Baleysky, Kalgan, Krasnochikoysky, Olovyanninsky, Onon, Sretensky, Hiloksky and Chernyshevsky areas caused a stir and carried out much more fairs, than planned12/19/2022Alexander BardaleevIt is Akshinsky, Kalgan, Olovyanninsky, Onon, Sretensky, Chita areas and the city Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky. Despite it, the indicator managed to be improved – year before such municipalities was nineIt is Akshinsky, Kalgan, Olovyanninsky, Onon, Sretensky, Chita areas and the city Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky. Despite it, the indicator managed to be improved – year before such municipalities was nine1/14/2021Vera AntropovaFor the first time the case the koronavirusy is registered in the Kalgan area, thus, the virus is registered in all areasFor the first time the case the koronavirusy is registered in the Kalgan area, thus, the virus is registered in all areas9/21/2020Svetlana Lapa1232Region News+2 last weekHead of administration since 2018Mikhail ZhbanchikovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2018Mikhail Zhbanchikov7:35:36 AMGMT+975RUS830249Dialing code11Connections+0 last weekPopulation8 745NewsConnections Tree
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